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"Don't do it," said Sebastian, "They will either hate you, attack you or worse do both....and in all honesty I don't think they would buy your excuse."

"Well...what if I tell them the truth?" asked Amira.

"That you think you are Amira?" asked Sebastian.

"No that would get me killed," said Amira, "...about the phone call..."

"How did this make sense in your head?" said Sebastian frustrated, "Why would they let their god be insulted just so that someone who is way more previledged that they could ever be, gets to have a little family time."

"It's not just for me," said Amira, "This would benefit all of us."

Sebastian signed. "Sorry Vajra," he said, "I will not support you on this."


"What's wrong with Rocky bhai?" said Salaar looking around the dirty cave filled with mud water as he carefully stepped on the dry stones.

"Well if I am hiding treasure, I'd do the same," said Haseena, "Why make the hunt easy?"

"But this is supossed to be for Amira," argued Salaar, "How is she supossed to find her way in this dirty barely lit cave."

"No, this is supossed to be for us, " said Haseena, "Amira will safely follow us."

"Look," said Salaar when they finally saw the gate that was mentioned in the map. It was fancier than they expected and when they approached it, they found it to be locked and it could only be unlocked by a finger print.

"I haven't been here before, so it's not my finger print," said Salaar as he hopefully looked towards Haseena.

"Not mine either," said Haseena, "Should be Amira's." "We've come so close, yet we are so far away," she said frustrated.

"I mean...on the positive side," said Salaaar, "Maybe Rajkesh will actually get Amira here."

"I don't think so," said Haseena, "but we could try..."


'Don't do it'

'Don't do it'

'Don't do it'

The voice inside Amira's head kept telling her as she stared at the statue of her father being worshipped.

"The irony," she thought to herself, "He couldn't protect his own daughter and here's everyone praying for him to be the savior." "If I die, I'll atleast repent for your sins," she said and threw the stone at the statue, hitting him right in the heart.

All the heads turned towards her. Rajmanaar who was watching from the window almost couldn't believe his eyes. A little girl was able to do what he couldn't for the past 15 years.

Amira's heart started to beat faster as she saw the crowd angrily approaching her. Her hands began to tremble, her palms started to sweat and despite being through the worst circumstances in her life in the past week alone, this fear seems to surpass them all.

For this is not a bad guy holding her hostage for gold. This is a cult of people and she has offended them all and there is literally no one to save her.

"Was it you?" asked one of the men. Amira didn't dare respond but her fear made it pretty obvious. Rajmannar was now already at the scene curious to know what's going to happen next. Amira's fear is taking over her body and the visuals around her seem to blur when a sharp pain on her forehead brought her back to senses. 

Amira touched the source of her pain and looked at her now trembling hand filled with blood. Everything seems to go dull again, faint noises in the background seem to make no sense no matter how hard she tried. She could vaguely see another stone aimed towards her but for some reason her body almost seems to have given up for she couldn't even move to escape so she decided to give up too and almost accepted her fate when someone held her and pulled her away.

It was Sebastian! He could barely hold her upright so she collapsed on the ground while still in his hands. 

"Amira get up," said Sebastian preventing her from going unconsious, "Are you okay? You have nothing to worry. You are safe," he said.

"No she is not," said another man, "She insulted Rocky bhai."

"She made a garland for him a day before," said Sebastian angrily, "What's wrong with you? "Has it ever occured to you that there might be a reason," he added, "and that maybe we should ask about it before hitting her with stones."

"And what reason would that be?" asked the man still angry.

"I heard about the prophecy," said Amira in a barely audible voice as she tried hard to remain consious, "I thought this would help get the attention of Amira and that she would come help us."

"This is the most foolish thing I've heard," said the man.

"Yeah maybe," said Sebastian, "but atleast now you know she didn't have any ill intentions."

"She insulted Rocky bhai!" emphasized another man.

"With a little stone?" asked Amira and the man realized how ridiculous he sounded.

"Keep your friend under control," he said and the crowd slowly disappeared.


"That's not even a problem," said Rajkesh, "You need Amira's finger, not Amira. I can just chop it off."

"Rajkesh I swaer to god, I'll burn you alive," said Salaar angrily.

"Fine," said Rajkesh, "Find a way then. Blast the door or something."

"Do you even hear yourself talking?" said Salaar, "You think Rocky bhai would make things that easy?"

"I don't know man," said Rajkesh, "He is your bhai!" "Conclusion," he said, "Find a way or I'll have to do the inevitable," he said and cut the call.

Haseena and Salaar looked at each other frustrated when the phone rang again and the voice they heard lifted their souls from the darkest place.

"Hello jijaaji, Vajra here," said Amira.

Salaar recognized the voice and also acknowledged that she probably has a different identity. He chose to play along and immediately put the phone on speaker to share the joy.

"Yes yes beta," he said barely able to hide his extreme feelings of joy and tears in his voice, "How are you?"

"I....I am fine," said Amira. Her voice seemed dull and lifeless. "Tell didi than I am happy and safe..." she said, "with my father."

As soon as she finished the statement the call ended. Salaar tried to check the phone number but it was a private number, hence couldn't be tracked.

"I think Amira is giving us a clue," said Haseena.

"But she is a kid," said Salaar.

"A smart kid," said Haseena, "with my father, she meant something by that statement."

"Rocky bhai and Khasim are both dead," said Salaar, "So what could she...." Salaar paused when Albert tapped on his shoulder. He showed him a google image of Rocky bhai's golden statue.

"The statue?" asked Salaar.

"Amira saw this statue on the internet while we were in the palace," Albert texted on his phone.

"Amira is in KGF," said Salaar.

"And she is still safe which means no one there knows who she is," added Haseena, "Vajra is her false identity."

Meanwhile Rajkesh called Salaar again.

"Found a way out?" he asked calmly indicating that he had no clue about Amira contacting them.

"Yes we did," said Salaar, "meet us."


Salaar and Haseena got down from their car while Rajkesh got down from the car right opposite on an empty highway.

"So where's the..." Rajkesh could barely complete his sentence before Salaar shot him right in his head.

"Wish I had time to make it painful," he said and walked back to his car.

How did Rajesh's death make you feel?

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