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Salaar and Haseena are looking at the safe that just got unlocked.

"So......I am guessing your laughter is what got this open," said Salaar.

"But my father said it opens during the time of the devil," said Haseena surprised.

"And he isn't wrong," countered Salaar.

"Very funny," said Haseena rolling her eyes. "Atleast we didn't have to work hard for this one," she said opening the safe but it was....empty?

"What the hell!" she said and looked through the inside to find a small card at one corner with only a name 'Amjad Khan' written on it.

"You know this dude?" Salaar asked Haseena and Haseena shook her head.

"Maybe we should ask your uncle and aunt," said Salaar.

"They wouldn't know either," said Haseena, "I was more involved in my dad's circle than them."

Salaar signed. "I am assuming if is the intention behind this clue is for us to go look for him, he would be in this village or atleast know someone in this village. How many houses are in here?"

"We don't have go knocking doors," said Haseena, "There is only one mosque here and it's a tradition for all muslims here to gather around for morning prayers on Wednesdays and that's tomorrow. We can start by asking there and if we are lucky might find an answer."

"Not a bad idea," said Salaar and looked at his watch. "We still got time. Maybe we could sleep for a while." 

Haseena looked at the one bed in the middle of the room.

"Right," acknowledged Salaar, "Based on the sad serials that you forced me to watch one of us has to sleep on the floor and since I am gentleman," he said grabbing a pillow, "I'll take the bed."

"What! No," said Haseena, "The jerks take the bed. Good guys sacrifice."

"Oh is it?" said Salaar, "Then change of roles. I'll be the jerk."

"Too bad, big man," said Haseena and ran to the bed, "This is real life and in real life, jerks don't win."

"And...yet you won," said Salaar sarcastically and made his way towards the door.

"Where are you going?" asked Haseena.

"In real life, there is more than one room," said Salaar mimicking Haseena and left.


Amira came out in the middle of the night to see Sebastian sitting alone.

"Are you always here at this time?" she asked him.

"Yeah, the weather's nicer at night," answered Sebastian, "What's brings you here?"

"I got something for you," she said giving him a sweet.

"It's been a long time since I had one of these," said Sebstian smiling, "Thanks!"

"So...uh...." Amira asked after a while, "What's your story?"

"Abusive father needed money," answered Sebastian, "Sold me out when I was 14."

Amira took a moment to process that, especially the way Sebastian revealed it so casually.

"That's....that's so bad..." she said in a low voice.

"My sister had it worse," said Sebastian, "She ran away from us and now she earns money on a nightly basis."

"What does that mean?" asked Amira.

"If you don't know it, maybe it's better you keep that innocence," said Sebastian and Amira didn't push it further.

"You've had a horrible childhood," she said sadly, "You are a good man and you deserved better."

"There are people here who had it worse," said Sebastian, "It is what it is."

"Maybe..." Amira cleared her throat and said slowly, "Maybe it doesn't have to be this way......maybe we could change things for better...."

"Sweets are a good start," joked Sebastian, "Next time sneak out chocolates."

"No not sweets and chocolates," said Amira, "We can bring this whole thing down." "I...uh..." she hesitated, "My brother in law....if I could let him know where I am.....he will come for me....and put an end to everything...."

"Don't be delusional," said Sebastian, "Blood relatives don't do shit. You think your brother-in-law would help?"

"No....no you don't understand," said Amira, "He is a very powerful man in Mumbai. Who knows? Maybe he is the warrior that the prophecy was talking about...."

"Right?" said Sebastian sarcastically, "and you are Amira?"

"Yes, I am," confessed Amira.



"I knew it," Haseena said as she opened the door and saw Salaar standing outside with a pillow and frustrated, "What happened?"

"Your brother is a bundle of joy," said Salaar as he sat on the table exhausted, "but the kid doesn't use the god given choice of keeping his mouth shut."

"Yeah he is a bit of a talker," said Haseena getting back to bed, "The floor is all yours!"

Salaar looked at Haseena annoyed.

"Just kidding," said Haseena adjusting the pillows to make a wall in the middle, "You can sleep on the other side. It's a big bed. Good night, gangster!"

"Good night, devil," said Salaar.


Sebastian hasn't stopped laughing for the past 10 minutes.

"Listen it's cool to think of yourself as a savior," he said in between chuckles, "but you are not Amira. The rest of them are stupid and wouldn't believe it but Amira's dead!"

"And how do you know that?" Amira asked annoyed, "You weren't the one who killed."

"Because Rajare isn't a dumbass," said Sebastian, "He performed DNA test on the dead body."

"With whom?" asked Amira frustrated, "When both of my parents are dead."

"Meeramma obviously," said Sebastian, "She is Amira's aunt, Reena's sister. You would've known if you are Amira."

"Meeramma is my aunt," Amira whispered surprised.

"Yeah spend the night making stupid realizations in your fantasy world," said Sebastian standing up, "I need to go sleep."

"One second," said Amira holding his hand. "I don't care if you belive me," she said, "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I don't even try to make things better. I need to make a phone call."

"Dude, this is ridiculous," said Sebastian seriously, "I am with you on your jokes and dreams but I can't let you put yourself in risk."

"It's just a phone call," said Amira, "No one has phone around here?"

"Two people," said Sebastian, "Rajmanaar and Rajkesh and let me tell you, the chances of you dying in their hands outrun the chances of you making a phone call by 100%. Get out of your fantasy world. You are not Amira and the prophecy isn't real."

"You said some lies are worth holding onto," said Amira.

"Holding onto," emphasized Sebastain, "Not dying for."

SALAAR- The devil's promise (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now