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*** Three days later ***

"Yes Rashid bhai, any information?" Haseena asked on the phone.

"...uh...beta..." Rashid said with a heavy heart, "I've...uh...got information that Rajmanaar is celebrating the death of Amira..."

Haseena's heart skipped a beat.

"I...really hope it's not true...but given the circumstances I...."

"Stop it Rashid bhai," Haseena said firmly and cut the call. She tried to remain brave and optimistic but her tears couldn't hide her fear.

"What happened?" Salaar asked.

"Nothing," said Haseena and was about to leave the room.

"I'll come along, didi?" asked Sandeep.

"No," said Haseena, "I am going to the masjid."

Salaar knew something was wrong but he couldn't dare ask.

"Any news?" he asked Sandeep.

Sandeep shook his head. "Salaar I think it might be a good idea to check....hospitals too...just in case she got into some injury while escaping and...."

"We both know your intentions, Sandeep," said Salaar angrily and Sandeep remained silent.

"Go ahead," Salaar said in a barely audible voice after a while. Deep down he knew it's worth checking despite his heart screaming otherwise. Sandeep nodded and left. Salaar remained there lifeless as he stared at Rocky bhai's picture.

**** 16 years ago ****

"Rocky bhai said it's time," said one of the men and everyone in Kolar picked up their guns and followed the lead. 17 year old Farmaan picked up his gun too and walked with rest but was stopped midway.

It was Rocky!

"You are not going with them," he said taking the gun from his hand.

"Why?" asked Farmaan confused.

"Because I said so," said Rocky and walked past.

"I need a reason Rocky bhai," said Farmaan holding his hand and Rocky turned back. "Is it because I am not as strong as the other buffed men?"

"Oh you are stronger than all of them combined," smiled Rocky. "They only do what I tell them to do but not you. You give me ideas on how to do it better, my dear Salaar (leader)."

"Then...then what's the problem," asked Farmaan confused, "Why do you not want me to join them?"

"Because I need you to protect something way more important than Kolar," said Rocky and turned towards Reena who placed her hand on her pregnant belly.

"Will you?" asked Rocky and extended his palm for a promise.

"With all my heart Rocky bhai," said Farmaan giving him the promise, "Untill the world ends!"

*** Present ***

"I failed Rocky bhai," cried Salaar breaking down, "I failed! I couldn't protect Amira. I failed. I am trying to close my eyes and believe in a lie but I failed...."

"Salaar fucking failed." he shouted angrily pushing the chair away. The chair hit the table and his phone fell down which started ringing. It was an unknown number.

"Who is this?" Salaar angrily picked up the phone and asked.

"Jijaaji..." he heard a familiar voice.

"Amira!" said Salaar in relief as he was suddenly brought back to life, "Amira, beta where are you?"

"With me," he heard another voice on the phone, "Rajkesh!"

"Rajkesh I'll give you whatever you want," said Salaar, "Please don't hurt Amira!"

"Don't worry about that," assured Rajkesh, "I don't believe in that stupid prophecy. Amira might be Rocky's daughter but she looks like a scared house cat and I would get nothing by killing her, apart from a pat on the shoulder from my brother which isn't worth a penny." "I deserve more," he added.

"What do you want?" asked Salaar.

"The gold that Rocky stole from Kolar," said Rajkesh, "500,000 tonnes of gold, more that what we managed to dig for the past 15 years. I need that. All of that!"

"Gold?" asked Salaar confused, "Rocky bhai sank the ship of gold in the ocean. It's gone!"

"Gone, my foot," said Rajkesh, "I don't believe that. Rocky is no fool."


"Get me the gold and take Amira," interrupted Rajkesh.

Salaar had no idea what Rajkesh was talking about. As far as he knows the gold is gone but Rajkesh does have a valid point. Rocky bhai is capable of bluffing the entire world.

"Fine, okay," said Salaar, "but I need some time. I don't know where the gold is. I need to look for it!"

"You have one week," said Rajkesh and cut the call.

"You got confused. Rocky bhai is not my father," Amira said innocently, "My father's name is Khasim."

"Are you really this dumb?" said Rajkesh and walked away closing the door.

"I am not dumb," Amira thought to herself, "You are stupid. you got the wrong person."

However, soon she began to think into it. Really think into it!

Sandeep's barber shop is on her way to school. Why isn't it near Haseena's hospital? Amira has two body guards Albert and Eintein but Haseena has none. When Amira told Haseena about Salaar completing their family Haseena replied with a 'hmmm'. During her Mathchamps test, Haseena approached Amira all by herself. Not even one person was around her but when Amira stepped out, all of Salaar's men were with her.

Above all, Salaar considers Rocky to be his god. Then why would go find Rocky's treasure and give it to a random person in exchange for a girl who insulted him, ran out of his house and conspired to help the police catch him....unless......

"Unless I am Rocky's daughter...." Amira concluded as tears rolled down her eyes.

She just realized her life was a lie all along!

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