Skiing and Winter- Harry and Ginny

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Hi, I wanted to write something for winter because I got snow where I live. This story came to me and I hope you enjoy this story!

Here is a glossary of skiing terms

Bombing- going straight down a hill or face with no turns.

Face- The side of the mountain

Groomed- A machine has packed down the snow. When first skied on, it looks like corduroy.

Yard sale- Crashing and you lose your skis and poles at least. You can also lose helmets, goggles, gloves, and possibly a coat.

As you can tell probably, I am a skier. Born and raised to ski.

I am on under the username DaniMason, I am on Archiveofourown under the username FangirlWriter!, and I am also on Wattpad under the name FangirlWriter or wearenotlovebirds.

I have a Twitter under the name DaniMason2019. This account is solely for updates on my stories or other fanfiction news. I am thinking strongly Tumblr for that too since it seems like the fandom people are running to Tumblr. Do you guys know if that is true?

I don't own Harry Potter or the characters. I hope you enjoy and please review it!


Winter is a lovely time. Winter may be freezing, but it is perfect for romance and family. It is about warm fires and cuddling. Maybe the occasional snowball fight. Unless you went to a school that doesn't allow them because inevitably some kid would ruin it by throwing ice.

Harry loved making his home homey and comforting during wintertime. He lit candles that smelled like Christmas and a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Ginny always appreciated the candles and decorations. Ginny loved snowshoeing with Harry on beautiful sunny winter days. She also loved seeing Harry's face when he downhill skiing.

He would have a huge grin on his face when he bombed (this is skier slang which means going straight down the hill- no turns. I am not sure if it is just American.) down the groomed runs. He also loved going super fast on the non-groomed runs.

Harry and Ginny were amazing skiers. Their athletic abilities and balance were perfect for the sport of skiing, they had a local ski lodge about two hours away from their home. Every chance they get, they run off to their cabin at the ski lodge and do various outdoor activities.

Harry and Ginny decided to ski that weekend. Harry was driving the car to the cabin, so they didn't possibly break the Statue of Secrecy.

Ginny was super excited to ski that day. She was slightly bouncing in her seat. Finally, they made it to the cabin.

"Thank Merlin, we are here Harry!"

They rushed into the cabin and got dressed in their skiing clothes. Harry and Ginny struggled into their ski boots and went outside with their skis. They got in the long line for the chairlift to take them up to the top of the hill. After about a half-hour they made it onto the chair.

After a few minutes, they made it onto the chair. (I am sorry if chairlifts are usually faster, I go to a smaller sized ski area than the one I am writing about). They got to the top and hopped off and went down Upper Christmas. Harry and Ginny decided to race the hill, and the first one to the line wins.

Harry yelled as he started doing fast turns on the hill "Last one down is a rotten egg!"

"Oh, it is on Potter!"

Ginny rushed down the hill and started bombing and passed Harry. Ginny won and made it to the line barely before Harry. Harry and Ginny did a few more runs until they were starving, took a run in, and ate a bunch of healthy snack food. They made hot chocolate and watched comedies.

Harry and Ginny enjoyed cuddling while chortling.

The next day they rushed down to go skiing. They were so excited to be skiing that both of them bombed down a groomed run. The bad news is that it had a somewhat steep face. The result was that both of them had an epic yard sale. All of this happened underneath the chair. Some smart butts cheered for them. Others exclaimed in sympathy.

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