Maya Dursley Variation 2

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Hey, this is my final idea in Maya's saga of stories. I hope you enjoy this story and I am considering posting my Maya stories in a separate story.

I post all of my fanfiction on three accounts. One is Archiveofourown under the username FangirlWriter1!, under the username DaniMason, and on Wattpad under the name FangirlWriter. And finally, I have a Twitter Account with the username DaniMason2019. Please follow it for updates on my stories and other messages. I also have a Tumblr account with the username danimason2019.

Also, please check if your guys' settings have you signed up for email notifications if you are reading this story. I don't own the characters of Harry Potter. I only own Anna and Maya.


Dudley Dursley had an ideal and horrible childhood, he had loving parents that loved him but toxically raised him. He would be able to do anything he wanted without consequences. On the other hand, since Harry Potter had magic, everything he did had horrible consequences. The Durlseys were abusive to Harry and encouraged their precious son to do the same.

Looking back on his childhood Dudley wasn't proud of it. He was a brat, and his parents saw no problem with raising him to be an entitled brat. Dudley and his wife Anna completely trusted their daughter Maya in the care of her grandparents, at least temporarily. Grandparents are meant to spoil their grandchildren. That was exactly the specialty of the Dursley grandparents. Anna got the same amount of gifts that he got for his birthdays (Dudley and Anna had to put their foot down after Maya got 70 birthday gifts for her 1st birthday. The gifts had to be under forty gifts.)

Anyway, Dudley and Anna's house burned down during the night. Luckily everyone got out, but Dudley and Anna had to find a new house. Sadly, Anna's parent's home was not safe for a child so Dudley and Anna stayed at her parent's place while they were straightening out everything for getting a new home.

At first, Maya loved staying with her grandparents. She could have all the sweets that she could ever have dreamed of. Maya even had a feast of sweets for lunch one day! Biscuits, pudding, ice cream, and all kinds of packaged sweets like Mars Bars and Cadbury chocolates. It was divine, though the sugar crash was not fun at all.

She even got to go to a new school for the semester, it made it easier for her grandparents to have her go to school near where they lived. For Maya who was outgoing, this was a very welcome change. She had her phone and computer to talk with her old friends, and she couldn't wait to make new friends.

Then Maya started to have odd things happen all around her. She saw some kids bullying a small black-haired boy.

Maya forcefully yelled, "Leave him alone!"

To accompany her yell, her hair was floating. When the Durlseys heard the rumors, they started freaking out. First, the changes were small, Maya had to do some chores, and she couldn't eat all the sweets that she wanted. While it was annoying Maya was happy, and she was making plenty of friends.

She had a whole group of girls who liked to play dolls with her. The classic way to make friends in elementary was by sharing your toys and playing until the recess bell rang. Her best friends though were Hannah and Sarah-Anne.

They were eight, just like Maya, and their favorite kind of dolls were Monster High dolls. Much to their parent's dismay. They thought it was a little too mature for kids, and it was a bit too evil and not Christian enough. They really couldn't complain too much, it was keeping their daughters playing with dolls and less time on the internet. So both parents agreed to keep a close eye on their daughters, but they couldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.

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