Hermione, Ron and Thoughts of the Future

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This story is loosely based on my choice to be child-free. I doubt I ever want children and I thought Hermione could of went down this path.

I post all of my fanfiction on three accounts. One is Archiveofourown under the username FangirlWriter1!, under the username DaniMason, and on Wattpad under the name FangirlWriter. And finally, I have a Twitter Account with the username DaniMason2019. Please follow it for updates on my stories and other messages. I also have a Tumblr account with the username danimason2019.

Also, please check if your guys' settings have you signed up for email notifications if you are reading this story. I don't own the characters of Harry Potter.


Hermione was forced to confront the fact that she needed to rethink her life plan slightly. She had always thought she wanted the life of a few kids, a husband, and a thriving career. She was already in the first step in the plan. She had already started on the checklist, her boyfriend Ron, and a promising start for a career. Ron wanted a wife, and he wanted to have a good job. Most of all he wanted children. This brings us to now in Hermione's life.

Right now Ron and Hermione were talking at a picnic table about what they wanted in the future.

"Ron, I want us to talk about what we want from this relationship. It doesn't have to be now. It can be years in the future."

"Ok. I would like around two to three kids. As much as I liked being in a big family, I did feel overshadowed and didn't always get enough love. I want us to get married soon. I do like my job with George. I would be happy to go to another retail job though."

Hermione closed her eyes and tried to imagine her future. Flashes of a future flashed before her eyes. To her slight horror, as it had been recently, her future had no flashes of her children. The children in her dreams when she was a child had disappeared. Hermione realized she was going to confront this head-on today.

Honestly, the weather was perfectly reflecting her mood. There was some very cold wind in the air. The clouds were a dreary gray. They weren't a dark stormy gray from dark summer clouds. They were light gray, with no personality besides, it is going to be cooler than sunny weather. The leaves were brown and rotting on the ground due to the recent rain. The trees were mostly bare. The tea in her gloved hands was warm which did give her hope that everything will be okay.

"I am not sure."

"Wow, Hermione Granger is unsure. Call the Daily Prophet. The apocalypse is upon us!"

Hermione just had to give a small chuckle.

"I want to be married and I want a steady job. I had always thought I wanted children. To give them a better life than I had in my childhood, siblings, and a house filled with overwhelming love. But now when I imagine my future I don't see children. I don't know why but, I know I don't want children. What do we do now?"

"I really love you so I can sacrifice children."

"Ron I can't do that to you! What if you resent me in twenty years? Ten or five? I think we are just incompatible. And saying this breaks my heart into a million and one pieces because I love you."

"I love you too. I think you are right as always, children are very important to me. I think we have to break up."


Hermione and Ron were devastated. Ron spent a bunch of time eating and riding on his broom. Hermione threw herself into work and Ben and Jerry's. Molly sent a Howler to her, but when Ron found out he went off on her.

"Mom it was a mutual breakup. We were both equally devastated! Our future wasn't there and it was no one's fault. That was so out of line! You better apologize."

Both Ron and Molly sent letters saying how sorry they were. Ron's was the one that rang true to Hermione. After a few months, they resumed their friendship and they were happy. Hermione married William Anderson and Ron married Lavender Brown. They went to each other's wedding and were found to be openly smiling throughout them. Hermione enjoyed being child-free and Ron was enjoying having three children.

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