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"Mom where's dad?"
My son once again asks me,
It might just a simple question but pains me

I look at his eyes and met a curious stare, every year he always asks me about his dad but I couldn't answer it

I can't tell him that he's just a result of a one night stand.

Seven years has passed since that night, but what we did that night was still vivid in my head

That man and me decided to forget it all for our own sake

I wanted to think that it's just a one night stand, but after a week I felt something really weird

I found myself craving for pudding,
Felt wanted to puke when I smell some food and lot more

Then a friend of mine who's learning to become a doctor found it really weird and asks me about things

She gave me a pulse check
Check if my beating is alright

After a few days she visits my manor privately and told me that I was pregnant

I was shock at what she said and didn't believe her easily, but it all makes sense

Even when I don't want to believe it,
It's the truth that I can't deny

I wanted to abort the child in my stomach, because I don't know how to tell my father about this

"That child will ruin your future"
The words that tear my heart

'how could he say that?'
I weakly thought but I couldn't blame him do I?

"Abort that child or leave this house!"
Choices that I don't wanna answer

'dad is right This child will just ruin me'
I can't help but to choose abortion over leaving

"Are you crazy?!"
I ask my friend to help me abort but her response is a reaction that I already expected

Like what kind of doctor who's work is saving life kill a child who never seen the world yet?

"But this child will ruin me! I don't have any choice"

I tried to defend myself knowing that I was wrong, I know that killing is not a answer for my problem, but I don't want to leave my family

"No.. Everlyn you choose to sleep with a man whom you just met"

I wanted to defend myself,
I wanted to talk back but no words came out to my mouth

I can't deny what she just said,
Yes before I slept with that man I have alot of choices, but I choose my own desire and never thought of the consequences

"It's your fault why you got pregnant and not the child's"

Words that reminds me of my mother who got me by an accident

I remember my mother telling me her story before she died

She got raped by an unknown man and don't know how to tell to her husband so she tried to get rid of me by swallowing tons of pills

After I born my father treat me like his own and teach me how to use sword and be strong so that I can protect myself from men's

I know that my father is disappointed on me now, he teach me how to defend myself but it got swayed by one mistake

"Lyn please... Just please don't abandon a child because of your mistake"

After talking to her,
I decided to keep the child and leave the house, raise the child myself

I'm not gonna lie,
Raising a child without anyone is not easy

I decided to build a restaurant in a small city near orphanage to support my child

Sofia always check me every month until I gave birth to a boy

"What the hell?!"
Sofia almost faint when she saw my son having a black eyes

An eye color that only Beleoti has...


Omg I can feel my improvement!


My Mother Is A Villain! (IBTMLAD)Where stories live. Discover now