Chapter 3 - Rejected

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Eden Pov

The blunt words came out of his mouth, my mate. "I cannot accept you as my mate," not being able to say anything I continued to stay seated before I decided to run. I could hear Xavier yelling profanities, and some were not as clear. The other person, Alex, seemed to notice I was about to run but made no movement to stop me.

Running. A common occurrence as of late.

I did not even notice that my nose had started to bleed. What was it from? 

Running again? You might be thinking something like that. I just kept on running without stopping. As soon as I got to the front door, I opened it and shifted. The other wolves in the pack stared holes through me.

They will come after me but why would I care about that? All I want is to just get away from the bittersweet scent that caused comfort but also malaise. I knew I would be rejected, but he did not have to be so nice at the beginning. He just had to give me hope which made my defense lower and all that just to be rejected in the end. It was in a calm but malicious manner. That was his intent all along. 

It hurt much more the way he had done it compared to the multiple scenarios that I ran in my head. This scenario did not once come to mind. It was not one of the options he could have chosen.

I soon stopped abruptly. Finally coming to my senses. Why was I running when I did not know where I was? I do not even know where I can go at this point. I mean why am I even living my life? It can be compared to that of a dead corpse.

These thoughts on myself have been inflicted by the very much trauma and abuse I have received but I do not want to admit to that. They are the opinions from the corrupt part of my life and the way I was raised to be. I thought this way for many years which I should stop it, but it is just ingrained in my life now. 

When was the last peaceful day that I had? The day that I was born. I do not seem to remember.

Will they come after me? Probably. Will they bring me back? Yes, that would be the most comprehensible thing I have thought in my whole life. Could they catch me? Yes, I am much smaller and slower than you would think with all the running I have been doing and the snow does not help in the slightest. Before all this happened, I was honestly told to just sit there and look pretty. This is not the case anymore as I am on the run from one pack and hiding from the other.

Returning to my senses, I look around. Nothing that I have seen before. That is so great, I am lost. I do not even know they are back. When I was running, I was very disoriented. Now you may be thinking everything is a lost cause for me. Yes, it is indeed.

After compromising and deciding in my thoughts of hope that they would not care about me and on with their days as usual I just stood there. Not the best choice. I know I really do but I was just dealing with it and coping with myself and my thoughts.

Whilst standing the Beta named Xavier appeared through tree line. It was a tree line because I was in a clearing. How many clearings do I have to find in one day? Right behind him was a fuming male omega. An omega just like me. This was the confusing part, he seemed comfortable with the beta.

My coping strategy dissipated and was once again wrong.

I stood there hoping they would not approach, but they did. Extremely fast at that. When they arrived the omega guy grabbed my face... well snout. Let us just say it shook me. Xavier was prying at his hands to get them off my face to no avail. He kept turning my face as if he were inspecting me. If I was worthy enough to be in his presence. He was intimidating. In an act of submission, I bared my neck towards him. He turned around and looked at Xavier and huffed.

Alex soon came into sight, and he yelled. "CONNOR." He said it as if he were summoning him or calling him over. This had Xavier on his knees dying of laughter. What is so funny though?

This omega, Connor, turned around to the sound. It finally clicked! This must be one of these betas' mates. I believe it may be Alex, he was trying to summon him. Due to all this chaos, I shrunk down, becoming as small as I could.

Very suddenly the air became very cold and tense which made the atmosphere hard to breathe in. Xavier started to talk to me, trying to convince me to go back. I honestly do not want to go back. Would it be my choice though? Or would they just bring me against my will? If they do, I will put up a fight.

Alex soon introduced Connor as his mate. I was correct. That is why he feels comfortable with these higher-ranked wolves.

In the end, I continued to stand my ground not wanting to go back. Xavier started to look annoyed, but it did not seem to be directed towards me. He just does not like the idea that I was rejected. That could not be the reason though as it was highly illogical.

Finally, being so impatient that he could not convince me, he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. Sure, I was a bit small and light but like how could he do it so easily? I came close to his butt. Might I say it looked bitable in this situation. That is exactly what I did. When I did the deed, he gasped in shock or something and Alex had wide eyes from what I could see.

He grabbed my legs harder which really hurt. They were much smaller in my wolf form. I decided to do a little quick shift and shifted back into my wolf just as quickly.

He dropped me to the ground and let out a low growl. He took four steps back and just as soon he jumped back, closing in on me. I lay back down and let out a huff of air. Alex was cracking up and was dying of laughter while Connor was just taking it in.

Xavier had a menacing air around him which made it seem as if he were going to kill me. He was in the middle of swinging his fist before a black wolf was blocking his way. Obviously the one and only, my beloved mate who just rejected me. Now that I realize it, I do not even know what his name is. How was it obvious? Well, he had that unusual white part on his ear.

They seemed to growl at each other for like a century, so I took that as my sign to leave. I carefully tried to waltz away but got my body checked by this very endearing black wolf.

It really hurt. How does it make sense though? Now he wants to show me affection again? I do not think body checking is the way to do it though.

Not having it anymore I growled at him in the most menacing way I could have done. His reaction was also annoying. He started to nip at me and bark like he was a happy little puppy. Did he think I was joking?

One of my pet peeves is when someone changes as fast as he was. I was unhappy with how someone could change their feelings towards me so fast. Deciding to lay down again until they decided they could not take me anywhere was not the best decision. I may fear a little omega, but I can be stubborn which leads to my almost dying at times, but we can ignore that.

Standing firm was like a dream come true. I was finally doing something in life besides being a competent doll. In my previous pack I was never allowed to stand up for myself and the only person who did stand up for me was my sister. In the end, I found out that she was the one plotting, and sending people to make my life a living hell. She tried to make herself look like the hero which led to me having even more trust issues than I already had. I guess it does make sense to not trust people around you even if they are not strangers because of the world, we live in. 

Enough thinking about the past though. Like "if you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus living in the present" or "If you want to fly in the sky, you need to leave the land." those type of sayings. Wow, inspirational quotes I know but do not want to accomplish. I thought life was a struggle before but now it is much bigger than it was before.

All I want is to have a peaceful life and I cannot accomplish even that.

Now the Alpha of the blue nightshade pack has become one of the biggest problems that I have ever had. He has quite the mood changes. He rejected me and now wants me back. Now that is what you call responsible and mature!

Snapping out of my thoughts, I looked around to see what was going on.

Lucien is still in his wolf form prancing around me trying to get close. Connor seemed to have shifted. His wolf was so pretty. A nice sheen white with crystal blue eyes ... could not be me. Xavier still looked annoyed like he wanted to kill me. Still angry at me biting his ass earlier but who cares about him anyway.

Another thing about me is that I am very petty. I hold grudges. Not healthy at all, I know that, but I do not really care at the end of the day. Only if you were to aggravate my peace, I will hold grudges. 

I got up and tried to waltz away again before I noticed the exaggerated shift by Xavier. He came running at me. Scared as anyone should be with a wolf three times their size would be. As soon as the pounce came, I held my breath knowing that it would hurt. By the sounds of it I could have died. Once his body encountered a snap coming from me. After I heard it, I could feel it and it was coming from my spine. How spontaneous.

Update: Nothing new. Just another updated chapter.

Old Note: Another update! I thought it would never happen and that I would go on a hiatus. Here I am still alive.

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