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Open on Kristin eve Mandy Megan drawing a welcome home sign for their dad and Jeff as Kristin is holding her son Boyd and Megan is holding her and Jeff's daughter Jessica  as Vanessa was sitting outside drinking a glass of wine as Mandy was sprinkling glitter on the sign as eve noticed she got some on her soccer ball

Eve: Mandy  you're getting glitter on my soccer ball

Mandy: oh well  now  it's a disco ball
(Singsong) you're welcome!

Kristin: oh look Boyd  drew a rocket or a wiener   you know what  let's just go with rocket 

Megan: and Jess drew a little monkey
Or a sickly looking dog 

(As they all heard  car horns honking)

Vanessa: your dad and Jeff are home!

Eve: oh finally   I've been cooped up with you hens  long enough

Vanessa: oh eve  honey  it's not cute when you're father says it  and it's just confusing  when you do it

Mandy: where was they're catalog shoot  this time    Peru  Portugal   something with a  p

Eve: yeah  Alaska

Megan: (sarcastically) you were close by several continents

Vanessa: he said  they were bringing dinner home

Kristin: oh good    (Groff voice) we're starving

(As Mike walks out of the garage door holding a giant fish  they caught  as Jeff was holding three boxes of pizza)

Mike/Jeff : (in unison)  we're back!

(As Mike drops the fish on the table on top of the welcome home sign )

Mike: all right  tomorrows dinner

Jeff: yeah  you're welcome  dad wanted to have it tonight  but after months of eating nothing but  Nemo over there  I decided to bring pizza 

(As Jeff went over to kiss Megan)

Jeff: hi hon

Megan: hey babe

(Jeff then looks at his daughter)

Jeff: hi my little princess  daddy missed you  so so much  (kisses her)

Vanessa: what am I supposed to do with this tomorrow 

Mike: you slice it   mouth to anus  you pull everything  out   pretty  self-explanatory   (then kisses Vanessa)
I'm gonna grab a shower 
(As he walks away from the kitchen)
It is great to be home

Cut to the next morning as Mike walks downstairs to the kitchen as he sees he's son and  daughter in law eating breakfast as Vanessa is getting ready for work

Mike: wow  you're heading to work  kinda  early    by the sun's position  I'd have it at

Jeff: dad  please look at your watch  I'm sorry  but after months of you trying to figure out  the time in Alaska was starting to get on my nerves

Vanessa: (looking at Jeff) thank you  son (kisses his head)  ugh the boss wants to see me   I'm worried   even though I've been there  almost a year  I'm still the new chick

Mike: that's good   new chick's always hot

Vanessa: look I could use some help from both of you  (looking at both Mike and jeff)  how long are you guys home for this time

Mike: oh probably seven days  then we're off to Costa Rica  shooting our spring catalog

Jeff: um dad   I've been thinking  I'm going skip out on Costa Rica

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