the passion of the mandy

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Open at night  inside the Baxter house as Mike and Jeff had gotten home from work as Jeff went upstairs to see Megan and Jessica  as Mike saw Vanessa working on papers for work  while Mike was putting logs in the fireplace

Mike: wow  what are you on again

Vanessa: oh  geophysical survey  I have that  presentation   I'm just  going through   the calibration  procedures for  a  well  bore

Mike: (chuckles)  you know  when we got  married    I thought  I was  the smart one 

(Vanessa then laughed hysterically then sighs)

Mike: it  it's not that funny

(As Mandy walks in through the front door  looking very excited and happy)

Mandy: hey  guys   okay   so you know how  I'm always  saying   that  I want to be  a  reality  tv star

Mike: yes  with  zero  positive  reinforcement 

Mandy: (Singsongy)  well  I  think  I'm on my way!

Vanessa: why   what happened

Mandy: there was a fire  in the Chem lab at school!

Vanessa: wow  was anybody hurt

Mandy: oh  no one  important   but um a tv news  crew   showed up   and  I got to be on camera    looking  really  really
Sad  like  this    dad  look

(As Mike turned around to see Mandy)

Mandy: (gives a sad fake look)  (whispers)  oh my God   (gasp  then gets back to normal  happy again)

Mike: wow  that's  great  

Mandy: yeah

Mike:  that  you're passionate  about  something  that  could   uh    I got nothin

Mandy: (sighs)  hey  don't worry  this won't  change  me

(As Mandy gets up from the couch and went upstairs)

Vanessa: (sarcastically)  what a relief

Mike: you know  in the blink of an eye
She's gonna be out of the house  how is she  gonna  support  herself 

Vanessa: honey   I don't think  you have to  worry     she is never  moving out   yeah   you know  sometimes  I  wonder   how  we  ended up  with her

Mike: shall I remind you    moody blues concert     two bottles of  boone's farm
And   you said    (slurring)  let's take a bath

Cut to the next morning as Mike and Jeff and Megan  were at the kitchen table eating breakfast  and  feeding  Jessica  as  Jessica sits on her high chair while Mike was on his phone  as  Mandy walks into the kitchen

Mandy: well  I wasn't  on  the news and
I had  to  watch   the whole thing  to find  out 

Mike: (looking at his phone while talking)  I am so sorry  for  you 

Mandy: I'll never get that time back

Jeff: (sarcastically) yeah  just like can't ever get back  this one minute conversation

(As Eve also walked in the kitchen as she was making her cereal)

Mike: hey Eve   I think  I'll be able  to make  it  to  your  soccer game  today 

Eve: that's  great   but  could  you  tone it  down   just  a little  bit

Mike: is this about  last week  look  I was  just being   enthusiastic

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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