Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

It was a masquerade ball, one of the special ones, hosted by Alexandria Sven. Everyone desired to come here, but only a few were invited. Invitations were special, dropped by one of her wolves. Everyone knew that if by the end of October you didn't get an invitation to her first winter ball, you were out of the league.

When the wolf arrived at my mother's door in the middle of the night, I was forced to awaken and surprised. Upon reading the letter, I found out Alexandria Sven wanted me here, at one of her first winter balls, all across the country. If she wanted me here, I was surely going to be here and nothing was going to stop me from coming.

"This is all so beautiful!" My mother yelped as her eyes swarmed over all the glimmer, something she had never seen before. "I have never been more grateful for life." she continued, her pupils only growing with adornment.

I tore my gaze from her and ran my hand down the dress I had worn for tonight. It was pure, raw silk with a beautiful embroidery pattern over the neckline and shoulders. It was all a dream—the dress, the invitation, the ball. I still couldn't believe I was here.

"I'm going to mingle around," I whispered, grabbing a champagne glass from one of the waiters crossing by and stepping away from my mother. She was going to be all well on her own.

My eyes searched for a familiar face in the crowd and the dim light but there was no one I knew here. I was in another part of the country. Nothing was familiar.

There were heavy chandeliers dropping from the thick ceiling of Queen Alexandria's estate, on the walls cravings were found, and there was gold everywhere and on everything including the door itself which was washed with gold. As the dances were going on, the lights were dimmed, making it even harder for me to find anyone.

I didn't know who I was seeking, but it was someone.

The purple, Chinese silk mask I had worn over my face covered most of my features, only leaving my eyes out. I looped the band to the back of my head, securing it in place so it wouldn't fall.

Some of the women didn't wear any masks but I kept mine. I had to. There were hundreds of men and women here, and some of them could recognize me if they had seen my face.

That couldn't happen.

A presence gathered behind me as I lowered my mouth to the champagne glass. The hair over the back of my neck rose. I didn't think too much of it until I heard a voice.

"Vivian Hart," The man said, his voice gloomy and a bit terrifying. "You need to follow me." I felt his breath racing down my shoulder, over my bare skin.

My heart skipped a beat. Just as I turned around, so did he. Setting the glass of champagne on the side, I followed the man out of the ballroom and into one of the rooms of the estate. I didn't have much time to appreciate the beauty and the finishing of the place as I was consumed with my thoughts.

I knew I hadn't been invited without a reason.

My family came from nowhere, my mother was unknown and so was I. We lived far away from the animals, in a small town to the east-north where the sun barely shined. I had committed several crimes to get killed for. I knew I had. Fear hung before my eyes as I came here with my mother. Every step I took toward this day terrified me yet I wanted to be here.

Glancing over my shoulder, I found my mother talking to two old women, the same age as hers. She laughed and smiled while having no clue why I had been invited here.

The man led me away from the party and the dances. He took me further and deeper into another room and halted on his steps in front of a door.

"The Queen's waiting for you in there." The man whispered, voice low as the night.

I took a quick breath as he pulled the large door toward himself and opened it for me. Behind the door, it was dark as if all the lights had just cut out. I didn't step in instantly.

It took me a moment to adjust to the minimal lights. I stepped in and the door behind me slammed closed. Gold flickered on every edge of the room as I pushed myself forward and toward the woman seated on one of the floral fabric and hand-carved couches.

Her eyes, deep and sunken, momentarily flicked toward me before returning to the glass as she poured her drink and then a drink for me.

Crippling fear swallowed me up.

I removed my silk mask and bared my face to hers.

Alexandria Sven.

"Sit," she ordered, directing her gaze toward the couch beside hers.

I neared her and sensed her energy. It was wild and cruel. It made my heart race. My hands went behind my dress as I flattened it before taking the seat beside hers. In such close proximity, I felt my heart pounding in my throat rather than in my chest.

"Do you know why you're here?" she asked.

"No," I shook my head while I was aware of the answer. I knew why I was here. For my sins. For what I had done.

A small smile crept over her face. I couldn't tear my gaze away from her bright brown eyes that stared right back at me. They were so alluring yet so dangerous at the same time.

Almost familiar.

Almost as if I had seen them before.


"I've been watching you for a long time, Vivian. And I have sensed you're practicing something you are forbidden to—"

I cut her off, "It was once."

She stopped talking and held back her breath. There was a long moment of silence before she continued, "It was more than once, and don't you dare ever interrupt while I'm talking."

"I'm sorry."

Grabbing onto her drink, she took a quick sip of it while a hundred thoughts raced in my mind. "I can kill you for what you're doing. Do you know that?" she asked.

I swallowed hard, "Yes." I was aware of the risks I had taken when I practiced what was forbidden, but I couldn't help it.

"But I'll not," she placed her drink on the table and returned her glaring eyes at me. "There aren't plenty of witches that practice black magic as every knowledge of it has been wiped off. I will not ask you how you have learned it or who you've learned it from, nor will I warn you."

"Then?" I furrowed my brows as my shoulders eased forward.

If I wasn't going to be killed, then what I was doing here?

"I need your magic," she stated a moment later, something desperate in her voice. I quickly recognized it. It was odd. She stirred the drink in her cup and continued, "I'll not repeat this twice and this conversation will never be mentioned to anyone. If you do not fulfill what I require you to, I'll have someone identify the magic you practice and have you sentenced to death. Take no risks with me, Vivian."

A quiver ran down my spine. My fingers curled over my lap. I tried not to react to something that was going to negatively affect me.

My breathing became shallow and fast as I asked her, "What do you want me to do?"

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