Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

My fingers tightened around the buttons of his shirt as I began undoing them until I reached the last one. My hands ran over his muscular chest and I pulled my mouth away from him, breaking the kiss. Need pounded through me as I could feel the spell I had cast over him starting to work even harder.

"This changes nothing." He said, his voice rough with desire.

"Oh, it does change everything," I traced a line over his chest and felt the drumming of his heart beneath my fingertips. "You can't resist me. The spell works."

Gripping my hair tighter in his hand, he pulled me down and whispered, "I can if I want to." There was now defiance in his tone as he tried not to feel anything as I sat over him.

His hot breath fanned over my cheeks and I smiled before pushing my hips back and sliding them over his bulge. He hardened quickly, and I placed my hands over his hard six-pack before moving one of them even further down. My insides pulsated and I heaved in a breath before grinding myself over him.

"Can you really?" I asked, narrowing my head to his.

His head went back as a groan fled from his throat as I rubbed my bare self over his pants. "Fuck you." He cursed as all of his tautness became nothing beneath me.

"I used my blood for the spell, Elijah. There's nothing that can undo it."

He growled, a low rumble in his chest before he kissed me again. This time, it was slower, more deliberate. His hands explored my body underneath the towel, but it still remained loosely wrapped around me. My hips pressed down and my knees spread around him while I moved over his cock.

Lust raced inside me at the same time because not only I spelled them but also myself and there was truly no going back from it.

When he was entirely weakened underneath me, I leaned back and pressed my hands over his chest. I pushed aside the desires growing within me and demanded something else in return. "Bring my mother to me."

"No," He snapped, returning to his senses when I made the demand. "I'd rather go fuck a whore than do anything for you."

I clenched my teeth together and pushed myself off him. My brows furrowed in anger and frustration. My hands reached for the towel and I tightened it around myself before stepping back from him.

"Go fuck a whore."

I heard a peal of laughter coming from him as I stormed out of the room and went down the stairs in nothing but my towel. My head became hot. Seduction should've convinced him—it worked on everyone else. Why not him?

I sat down on the couch and pulled the throw over myself to protect myself from the cold. I would die than wearing any of his clothes, or anyone else's who lived in this house. Elijah walked down the stairs a moment later, a wide grin spread over his face as if he had achieved something by rejecting my demand. His hands were around his buttons as he closed his shirt and then neared me.

"Such a mischievous girl."

I looked up, and my nostrils flared. "I hope your mother is successful in breaking the curse and killing you."

"That would mean Dion and Callan would be killed as well," He sat down, on the opposite of me with the grin still hanging over his face. His arms spread as his hawk-like gaze wandered over my barely covered body. "Which means your little heart's going to broken, and I doubt you'd live after that."

My mouth pressed shut. I didn't say anything—silence was better than talking to a wall without empathy for others. Shifting to the side, I sat at the end of the couch and rested my head on the cushion behind me. I waited for Callan and Dion to return with the information about my mother, and I prayed she was safe wherever she was.

I didn't know how long I could like this.

First prisoned at the court, under the Queen's orders, and now here. When was I going to find an escape?

I had to find a way to break the curse, for Callan and Dion. I didn't want them to get killed because I took their names in front of Alexandria, and they were willing to do anything for me. I didn't care about Elijah—he could rot for all that mattered.

Glancing over my shoulder, I found him seated and on his phone. But his eyes flickered to me when he found me staring at him.

Who did he think he was? An entitled brat?

There was nothing but silence in the large, old house. I remained seated on the couch while staring at the door, waiting for them to return. The house was fairly big, but it was an open plan, everything could be seen from one place which was where the seating was. Behind, there was the staircase that led up to the rooms and ahead there was the escape door where I couldn't leave even when every fiber in my body wanted to.

Blood spells were sacred and entirely forbidden.

Elijah used my blood to cover my tracks from Alexandria and the witches she had under herself. Therefore, she couldn't find me which resulted into her kidnapping my mother. He had also spelled the house, ensuring I wouldn't leave unless he wanted me to.

I rose up straight on my feet when I heard the door open. A rush of cold wind flowed inside the house, causing my hair to rise.

A smile curled over my lips as I found Callan and Dion. They both walked in at the same time and I approached them.

"Where's my mother?" I asked, my heart warming a little as I already knew she was safe—according to Elijah.

They both gave me an odd stare but it wasn't anything in regard to my mother, but rather the towel that was hanging from my body.

"She's safe." Dion nodded.

"Oh, that's a relief. But where is she?" I turned to Callan, waiting for his response.

Instead of responding to me, he removed the faux-leather jacket from his shoulders and handed it over to me. "Wear it, or you're going to catch a cold," He said, his tone filled with care. "And your mother's safe where I've put her. She was a little confused and worried, especially about you but I promised her you were fine."

A breath of relief passed my lips as he assured me. For as long as she was fine and safe. She was the only concern in my mind, and now, finally, my thoughts had settled. I was prepared for whatever was coming on my way.

With a smile playing on my lips, I took the towel off my body and tossed it aside before looping my arms into the jacket Callan gave me. It hugged my frame and hung a little lower than my ass.

As I changed, they'll looked away as if they hadn't seen most of me. I sighed and pushed my hair out of the jacket before buttoning it up. It provided me some warmth and I no longer felt as if I was naked walking around in an abandoned house with a creep behind me.

I picked up the towel from the ground and held it tight before turning to Elijah who had been leaning against the couch I had just been seated on.

"Give it to a whore." I said, throwing the towel at him.

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