3. Therapy

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Today I have to meet with Miss Kinbott for my therapy session. It's not something I want, since I'm pretty much forced to be here, but it's one of my only chances to escape this place.

"I read the notes from your school counselor." Miss Kinbott started.

''Mrs. Bronstein. She had a nervous breakdown after out last session and had to take a six month sabbatical."

"Go ahead and take a seat. How did
you feel about that?." She motioned towards a chair; eventually I decided to sit.

"Vindicated; but someone who
crochet for a hobby isn't a worthy adversary."

"Adversery? I hope we can forge a relationship based on trust and mutual respect. This is a
safe place, Wednesday. A sanctuary where we can discuss anything. What you're thinking, feeling,
your views on the world, personal philosophy.." This is already so exhausting.

"That's easy. I think that this a waste of time, I see the world as a place that must be endured, and my personal philosophy is kill or killed."

"So for instance, if someone bullies your brother your response is to dump piranhas in the school pool." Miss Kinbott adds.

"You know the old saying. Never bring a knife to a sword fight. Unless it's concealed." I respond flatly.

She sighs "The point is, you assaulted a boy and show no remorse for you actions. That's why you're here-" I cut her off.

"He lost a testicle. I did the world a favor. People like Dalton shouldn't be able to procreate." Already annoyed, I got up, preparing myself to leave.

"We are not done yet." She said smiling.

"Let's dig into your life. How have you been? Have you made any friends? Are you interested in someone?" I sat back down as she was asking.

"I am indeed interested in someone. I think." Giving up, I decided you answer her staring at the ground.

"Oh? And who is the lucky boy? Or maybe lucky girl?" She asked with a slight smirk on her face. 'Kate- but why? Why am I so interested in her? What's so special about her...she's just an other girl like everyone else. Yeah, she is a different creature...and her personality is different from most of the kids around here...but it's like I always want to be around her no matter what. To protect her and take care of her. Like she did for me after my fencing duel with Blanca. Or after that gargoyle was about to crush me to death. What's going on with me?' I got lost in thought but finally snapped out of it when Miss. Kinbott cleared her throat.

"Wednesday? Are you ok?" She waved her hand in front of me.

Lifting my gaze from the floor, I look at her. "Would you mind if I use the powder room first?" She pointed towards the door that I assumed was the bathroom. I got up and slowly walked there. After I locked the door and look for a way out. The window. Gently nudging my back I ask Thing to give me the nail file. Finally. I opened the window and climbed out, sliding down the building and walking around. I notice a coffee shop and while I was walking towards it, I bumped into a farmer, getting an other vision.

[I watched as he was focused in his phone and gets in a car crash, breaking his neck.]

Finally snapping out of the vision, I look at him.
"Who let you out?...you goddamn weirdo.." He muttered while staring at me.

I shake it off and walk to the coffee shop.
Once I walk in, I notice someone I wasn't expecting to see so soon.
Kate was sitting in one of the booths, scribbling something in one of her notebook, while occasionally sipping from her cup. She looked stressed, her leg bouncing up and down aggressively. I went up to the counter, startling the boy that was struggling to fix the coffee machine.

"Woah!" He jumped. "Do you make it a habit? Scaring the hell out of people?"

"It's more like a hobby." I respond flatly looking around.

"You go to Nevermore. Didn't realize they changed up the uniform." He nodded his head towards my uniform while looking at the booth Kate was sitting. 'Stop staring at her.'

"I need a quad over ice. It's an emergency." I say, trying to get him to stop staring at her. It's so pathetic.
He looks at me confused.

"It's four shots of espresso." I roll my eyes.

"Yeah...I know what a quad is but...spoiler alert. The espresso machine is having a seizure so all we have is drip." I look towards a man that was pouring some drip in his cup.

"But drip is for people who hate themselves and know there lives have no purpose or meaning." The man slowly puts the cup down, embarrassed, and walks away. "What's wrong with your machine?"

"It's a temperamental beast with a mind of its own and it doesn't help that the instructions are in Italian."

I walk over to him and grab the instructions. "I need a tri-wing screwdriver and four millimeters Allen wrench."


After fixing his machine and getting my coffee, I walk over to the booth Kate was in. I clear my throat and she looks up at me.

"Oh! Wednesday. I wasn't expecting to see you here. I thought you had therapy session with Miss Kinbott?" She looked at me smiling slightly. She looks really cute- what the hell, Wednesday.

"I decided to run away while I still have my 'sanity'. Mind if I sit?" Shaking her head, she motioned for me to sit down. I took a seat in front of her, looking at her notebooks.

"What are you drawing?" Placing my cup on the table, I focus on her.

"Well...I've been having some nightmares recently. I keep seeing some kind of creature...with big eyes, slashing and killing people. It's disturbing yet familiar..." she pushed her notebook towards me. I see a weird looking creature, some spirals, a gate, a big house that looked haunted and something that looked like a fight between the monster and a werewolf. Interesting.

"How long have you been having these nightmares?" I look at her.

She shurgs "Since I came here...when I first got to Nevermore, it started. And it's been months ago. I can't sleep. It's hard. Whenever I close my eyes, I see it...it feels like it's haunting me. Even now, I feel like it's eyes are on me..." She wraps her arms around herself looking down. "Maybe I'm just going crazy..." she shakes her head, chuckling then looking at me "it's not as nice as I anticipated.."

I look around, noticing Tyler staring holes into her head. Either this guy is up to something...either hes into her. But why would I care if he's into her tho? It's not my problem. I don't care.


~ʙʀᴏᴋᴇɴ sᴏᴜʟs~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang