Chapter 6

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After spending the weekend with my mother and younger brother Brendon, I left her house early Monday morning to go past the flower shop and get some tulips for Austin... well, technically seen for Jenna. I got double colored ones, red and yellow, which I remembered were her favorites. I then texted Austin to meet me at campus later and took the bus there.

"Nice flowers you got there, Michaels. Tulips, are they?" I heard a familiar, slimy voice ask me. I turned around and groaned. Great, the Jersey boys were back on campus too.

"Yes, yes they are, Joey." I murmured, hoping he'd leave it at that.

A smirk spread across his face, which honestly told me enough. "Well, I know what you could do with your... two-lips." He then suggested, sliding his hand down to his crotch. Tulips... two lips... oh please.

I cringed at the mere thought of it. Yuck.

"Good one, Joey." His friend Jordy said as he chuckled.

"Still not interested." I sang in an annoyed tone as I looked around, hoping to see Austin somewhere.

"Oh but I think you are." Joey claimed, still smirking disgustingly as he came closer and grabbed my arm.

These two were seriously horrible. They were two of a group of five which we all called the Jersey boys since they reminded us of those creeps from Jersey Shore... all pumped up, full of fake tan and seriously annoying attitudes. They thought they could get any girl, but boy were they wrong. I'd pick Kellin over them any day, in that case.

"I believe the lady said that she's not interested." I then heard Ronnie snarl as he stepped in front of me, making Joey let go of my arm and keeping the two at a preferable distance.

"Oh yeah, says who?" Joey then said, provoking him, trying to sound all tough.

"Says my good friend knuckles." I frowned and looked at Ronnie, who suddenly threw his fist back and swung it right into Joey's face, hitting him right in the jaw. Joey flew back against the wall and immediately started rubbing his face in pain. "Yeah, you like that? Want more, pretty boy?"

The two of them then scrambled themselves together and quickly walked off, trying to keep a tough posture. But they instantly flinched when Ronnie pretended to come at them again. After Joey and Jordy were out of sight, Ronnie turned towards me.

"You okay there?" He then asked me.

I nodded and chuckled a little. "I'm fine. Those jerks don't scare me."

"Still... I'd stay away from them if I were you."

I arched an eyebrow and stared at him skeptically. "Look who's being all caring and stuff. I wouldn't do that too often if I were you Ronald, people might start to think you're a nice guy."

He smirked and nudged me lightly. "Wouldn't that be something. Say, we're having a big bonfire party on campus in a few weeks. Will you be there?"

"You know parties on campus are against the rules, right?" I simply stated.

Ronnie's smirk grew even wider. "You're not gonna tell principal Francis, are you? Because I might not be so nice to you then." It was a fair warning.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Fine, I'll be there."

Ronnie then patted my head in a 'good girl' kind of way and then walked off.

Not much later, I finally found Austin and gave him the tulips for Jenna. He was really grateful and once again hugged me tightly. He told me he was going to give them to her that same night, together with his old baseball jersey. He sounded so excited. It was really cute, to be honest. Austin was such a sweet guy and a great boyfriend. Lucky Jenna.

After getting some needed food and drinks, I went back to my dorm room. "Hey mi gordita, good to see you. Had a nice weekend?" Vic asked as I entered.

I dropped the bags in the kitchen area and rolled my eyes. "Yes I did. And are you ever going to stop calling me that? It's getting creepy." I pointed out.

Vic just smiled and helped me put away everything that I'd bought and started on dinner. I propped myself onto the counter and just watched him for a little while. Having to share my room with these two wasn't all that bad. I mean, they were boys and sometimes pretty annoying, but they were nice overall.

"Did you hear about the party?" Vic then asked as he flipped the vegetables into the wok. "It sounds like a ton of fun."

I snickered a little and nodded. "You do realize that a bonfire party is what ended up burning down your dorm last year, right?" I simply reminded him.

Vic chuckled and looked at me. "Yeah, true, but I think that all worked out just fine." He then stated with a smirk. "Besides, that's exactly why we're doing it again... on that side of campus. It's already burnt down, so what damage can it possibly do?"

I suppose he had sort of a point. Parties on campus were always a lot of fun though, so I'm sure this one would be too. And I guessed that he was right about the bonfire thing. I hoped he was anyways- repeating last year's disaster would be... a disaster.

"And this time, you should actually party too." Vic then suddenly pointed out, prying the spatula into my arm. I looked at him and frowned questioningly. "Yeah, I've seen you- you hardly ever drink or dance. You're like a chaperone, same for your friend Hayley. Loosen up a bit. It's college after all."

I rolled my eyes. Why would he even pay attention to that?

"Speaking of college." I then started as I hopped off the counter and left the kitchen area. "You and Turtle are going to make my Spanish homework for me."

Vic burst into a fit of laughter for a few seconds, but stopped once he realized I was being serious. "And, why would we do that?"

I cocked my eyebrows and stared at him for a moment. "Because the two of you have used every last drop of my damn body wash, that's why."

"Well excuse me for enjoying smelling like flowers and coconuts." I slapped myself on my forehead and groaned, making Vic laugh at me. "The fact that I'm making dinner isn't enough?"

"There's no way in hell you're not gay." I then muttered below my breath.

"God you two sound like a married couple. You being the wife though, Vic." Tony then suddenly said as he joined us. I snickered as I watched Vic's face turn heavily insulted as he launched an oven mitt in Tony's direction. Tony only just dodged it and began to laugh. Boys.

Class Dismissed (Vic Fuentes) ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz