Chapter 22

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"I'm so glad you said yes!" Andy beamed happily as he drove us into town. He was excited beyond belief, and I was still wondering why I had said yes at all. I suppose I should just make the best of it. Andy wasn't a bad guy. Just very... persistent.

"So did you like the strawberries?" He then asked me.

"I uh- yeah about that-" I muttered, trailing off as I looked out of the car window. "I'm pretty allergic to tree nuts and also strawberries, so I didn't eat them."

"Oh fuck, I'm so sorry." I looked back at Andy and saw him looking at me with an apologetic frown. "I really didn't know." He whispered.

"It's alright, you couldn't have known." It was obvious that he felt guilty, and immediately I didn't feel as annoyed as I did when I first got the treats. Of course he couldn't have known. Only my actual close friends knew, in case they'd have to come to the rescue with a shot. And Vic knew, apparently.

I threw Andy a sincere smile, trying to tell him that it really was okay. Well, as long as he remembers it for future reference anyways. It would've been a disaster if I hadn't known about the nuts. I mean I wasn't allergic to all kinds. Peanuts were no problem for me. But almonds and such were a pretty big deal.

"Maybe we should go somewhere else to eat then." Andy suggested, sounding a little disappointed.

"No, this is fine. I'm sure they have other nice things to taste." I simply told him. His face immediately lit up and for some reason he increased his driving speed until we arrived at the small café-like place.

I hopped out of the car and walked around towards the entrance. Andy came up beside me and quickly grasped my hand, lacing his fingers with mine. He smiled down at me and I just smiled back, not really knowing what to think at this point.

We walked into the little café together and he led me down to a booth in the back. We both sat down as a waitress came right up to us, handing us both a menu card. "Welcome to The Sweet Spot, my name is Carly. Can I get you two something to drink?" She asked politely.

"Umm, I'll have a latte." I told the waitress.

"And you, sir?"

"Just a black coffee, thanks." And with that, Carly the waitress walked off.

We sat there and made some awkward small talk, while honestly I could think of nothing else than how both Vic and Juliet had reacted before about how Andy was to me. What was the whole thing with Andy and Juliet anyways? Were they together, or what? I mean, apparently not since here I was, on a date with Andy... but still.

"Here's your coffee and your latte." Carly the waitress said as she put the cups down in front of us. "Have you decided yet what you want to eat?" She then asked.

"Yes, we have." Andy spoke up. We have? "My lady friend here is allergic to nuts, so I would actually like to have a little bit of everything that is nut-free, thank you."

Well that was one way to do it. Andy just smiled at me and put a hand on my thigh as the waitress took our menu cards and walked off. He rubbed his hand up and down slightly, his smile growing as I looked at him. Okay, this was really awkward.

"I really am glad you said yes." He then told me.

"I'm uh- glad you're glad." Was all I really managed to say. Meanwhile I was yelling at him in my head to get his hand off my leg, but of course he didn't. He kept it right there, even when he drank his coffee.

Both of us fell into an awkward silence.

Eventually Carly the waitress came to us with a three tiered serving platter with all kinds of small, baked, sweet and fruity treats on it. That was the first time in a while that Andy finally let go of my leg, but only to feed me instead.

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