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The small primary coloured cab trudged through the trees, leaving the faint imprint of tire tracks into the muddy dirt below; rain dribbling down the windshield after every swipe of the wipers.

The path ahead was painted black in the shadowy fog, the cabs headlights the only reason A could see where he was driving. It felt like driving in dark tunnel, with the canopy above as a leaky roof, or like water dripping into a cave.

A, B and C were collecting resources for the building town like how they had always done before. This track had been moulded by them throughout the years, every morning as soon as the sun was above their heads they rode out through the forest beside, itching deeper and deeper every day.

Every time the trio drove into the wood; it always felt the deeper they drove into it, the terrain slowly began turning more treacherous. Like it was becoming more dangerous the further they traveled towards the mountain above.

A began pressing down on the breaks, the car rolling on top of the many fallen branches and embedded rocks before slowly coming to a hault. The sound of the Cab stopping being the only sound in earshot, the only thing breaking the eerie silence of the forest. Reaching the end of the path, parked in face of a caves gaping mouth.

Without the car demorphing without him, A hoped out of the Cab, inspecting the little he could of the cave. Even with the headlights beeming into the darkness; it was like it was consuming the light, as if it were a black hole.

He stood there momentarily, like he was thinking on where they'd go next after... tonight..? He began lookinh side to side towards the shadows looking for anither potential path.


"This looks like the fathest we'll be able to go, guys." A causally twisted his head around, (albeit in an uncertain manner) facing the vehicle behind him.
"I think after today, we'll have to make another road, capiche?" The cab honked behind him.

A trudged to the back of the car, opening the trunk revealing a worn out axe made of wood and rock. his feet almost sinking into the mud as he walked to and back.

Making his way back to the caverns gate, moving through the mud as if it were sticky tar, he began on chopping down a tree a few feet from the cave. And maybe it was because of the silence of it all, or maybe it was the echo of the chamber a few meters in front of him, but A's continuous chopping of the wood made it sound like it was loud... ringing? Roaring, maybe?

A looked back to the cave, skeptically and worryingly. His axe lodged within in the pines wound... the sound he was hearing, what B and C were hearing, it was definitely roaring... something new was in there...

...it was getting louder.

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