M, P, and by adjacent L, O and X were all gifted with the punctuation gemstones. They were the protectors of Alpha-Town, the leaders of their respective fields. M was in charge of the towns defence while X was in charge of it's weaponry, P was in charge of recreational activities and building, O was in charge of resources and L (although not having a job of his own) was in charge of managing the latter members of the team.

With the last letters escorted to their homes, V being brought to the sibling estate. M traveled back to the towns square meeting back up with P.

P- "Got him back to the estate?"
M- "Yep, I had to keep soothing V's anxieties or else he'd freeze up again."
P- "I'm guessibg you're not used to doing that?"
M- "...Sure. Anyway, we should probably get to patrolling now, see if the monster followed the cab back to town."

The two letters began walking laps together through town, inspecting every square inch.

M- "Who were you escorting back?"
P- "G, although we were more walking together really."
M- "I thought G could've made his way back home alone though?."
P- "He can, he was just helping me escort the other letters."
M- "Oh, ok. Send him my thanks tomorrow morning."
P- "I'll let him know after the meeting."

M- "Do you..." M paused for a second.
P- "Hm?"
M- "Do you believe what B and C said?"
P- "Sure I do. I mean, there's a lot we don't know about Zearth anymore. Who's to say that monsters aren't apart of it? Plus, A wasn't with them, so it's likely something did take him."
M nodded skeptically, but agreeingly.

P- "Do you not believe them?"
M- "I guess I do, I have to if there's something risking the towns safety."
P- "I understand the sentiment. I mean, wild predators? It sounds like a pretty big risk to me."

M and P decided that after their first round of patrolling was done, they'd make their way over to the river for a short break. Planning fo look at the starry night together, a night lit up so much it looked like the stars made up the whole sky. The two started walking out of town, the land beneath their feat changing from dirt to soft grass beneath their feet.

M and P quietly sat by the river side, looking up at the constellations together.

P- "I wonder why we never heard of this before, though."
M- "The monster sightings?"
P- "Yeah, if the monsters were apart of the world when it was changing, surely we would've had seen one by now, right?"
M- "Maybe something awakened them?"
P- "Maybe..."
M- "We'll have a discussion with the team during the meeting, I'm sure we'll figure it out soon enough."
P nodded her head like M just moments before; skeptically, but agreeingly.

"I'm going to pick us some berries, alrighy?" P hopped up, moving to the berry bush nearest to her. A bush nestled next to the bottom of the tree, somewhat a foot away from her and M.

The reflection of the lights above reflected in the shallow water of the river, M looked down; being able to see the rocks underneath with the stars rippling above...


M- "P?"
P- "Yeah?"
M- "P, I think you should see this."

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