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"Enjoy!" Yuji had told him a little while later after he finished cooking

Oh he almost feels sorry devouring all of that food. All of Yuji's wonderful hard work, all of his masterpiece. Emphasis on almost

He shamelessly ate everything given to him by Yuji, asking for seconds and thirds without a care knowing full well that the pinkette didn't mind at all. Yuji feels his heart swell with pride as he watched his senpai enjoy the meal he prepared for him

The sheer bliss on Satoru's face

This means Yuji did an amazing job. He was really nervous while he was cooking, usually he had a high confidence regarding his skills in the kitchen but he knew Satoru had a God's tongue and Godly high standards.

He really didn't want to disappoint his senpai by serving him what's probably a low class meal compared to what he's used to

So Yuji decided to give him half of everything he's got!

And now, an hour or two later

Satoru is looking sleepy, well fed, and content.

He was patting his belly and showering Yuji with praises, telling him his cooking skills was Godly, that kings should bow down to him and beg him to become their chef.

He even made a comment that "whoever marries you will be super lucky Yuji! Everyday they'll be fed awesome cuisines" he excitedly said

Yuji just blushed and laughed it

"Satoru's expression when he said that was really cute" he thought

Satoru decided to help out with the dishes for once. Usually he just leaves his hosts after they serve him a meal but he wanted to stick around more and make himself useful for Yuji. The pinkette wasn't just any host, this was the boy he's pining for and is head over heels in love with.

Cringey as that sounds, it was the truth.

Also he wants to prove to that Sukuna guy that he's not a bad dickhead who will corrupt his brother(ehh not yet anyway, he wants Yuji to keep his innocence a bit longer). Maybe if he catches him helping wash the dishes with Yuji he'll change his mind about him?

Satoru never used to care about his behaviour or what others thought. But there was the possibility Sukuna could become his brother in law after ten years

"And then he'll be stuck dealing with me for the rest of his life!" Satoru thought, laughing like an evil maniac in his mind as he imagined the many different ways he could drive Sukuna crazy to the point where he'd have to be confined in a psych ward.

"Ah! You don't have to help me wash the dishes Satoru!" Yuji exclaimed snatching up the dirty plates from Satoru. "I'll do it, you can wait for me in the living room"

"Nonsense, I'm a guest here and the least a could do is help clean up after feasting without a care" Satoru said, suddenly acting formal. He cringed in his mind.

"Exactly, you're the guest, grandpa taught me that being a good host means making your guests as comfortale as possible" Yuji insisted. "So you don't need to help"

"I want to" Satoru stubbornly said, picking up more plates and bowls.

"You really don't have to"

"It's not big deal"

"Yeah exactly no big deal! Just sit in the living room and I'll clean everything myself"

The two kept tugging back and forth with the piled plates, both equally stubborn and wanting to prove... whatever point they were trying to prove. Satoru was getting annoyed already. "Yuji!" He snapped. "Satoru!" Yuji pulled harder

Then the pinkette slipped and fell back. They dropped the plates and bowls, Satoru yelped when Yuji grabbed his arm and pulled him down with him.


"Oi brat, I'm home!" Sukuna called out slamming the door behind him. "I'm starv--"

He paused. The older twin processed the sight before him. First, there were broken pieces of their plates everywhere

Second, that son of a bitch Gojo Satoru was pinning his brother on the floor. Gojo was squishing Yuji with his weight and the pinkette was hitting his back. "Oh hey! It's you again, Sukuna right?" Satoru chuckled, making no move to get off Yuji

Sukuna picked up a fork

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