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Gojo hasn't had his usual dosage of Itadori Yuji for hours now. So he's a bit cranky. "The wannabe-boyfriend's on a pissy mood" Suguru had teased him earlier. But Gojo just ignored him, he decided to would corner Yuji after school, before he could slip away from everyone else. According to Megumi, he's been denying their offers to go hang out somewhere after school.

"I don't know where he goes but" Junpei has told him when he cornered him once. It looked like the boy was about to piss his pants talking to him. (Either that or he was pissed off at Gojo) "He visits this one flower shop that's just a few walks away from my house"

He would see him there on his way home. Itadori would throw him a wave and a big smile, but he wouldn't go to him for a chat. "Why not go to him yourself?" Satoru asked. "I have other places to be" was Junpei's indifferent response.

So, today, Gojo is outside the school, sitting on the branch of the big tree that shaded the gates, waiting for Yuji to come out. The boy was picking his nails, annoyed and impatient for Yuji.

Their usual friends have already gone and left. Megumi, Nobara, Suguru, and Leiri left as a group. Most likely for that Karaoke party Nobara has been demanding they all attend. Or was it a restaurant they were going to? He doesn't remember because he wasn't paying attention. Yuji wouldn't be there anyway.

Soon enough, Yuji followed after them. He looked sullen, not quite the usual bright and on-going Yuji they knew. "He has been a little on edge lately, what's wrong?" Satoru wondered, concerned.

He waited until Yuji was a good distance away before jumping down from the tree and sneakily following behind him, pulling his hood up and ducking behind pedestrians whenever Yuji would stop and look behind him.

Yuji shrugged and continued his way.

He whipped out his phone and messaged his brother, asking him- no, demanding he come to the hospital and visit their sick grandfather. Now.

"Stupid Sukuna" Yuji muttered when he got no reply.

Twenty minutes later he stopped in front of the flower shop he always bought his bouquets for his grandfather from. His grandfather might act like he could care less for the flowers but Yuji knew it meant a lot to him.

This time he purchased plastic ones though. Specifically yellow roses, sunflowers, and pink tulips. "They'll never die" Gojo heard him say. He frowned, feeling more concerned. Yuji was...different today.

"Satoru you can stop hiding behind that tree I know you're there" Yuji chuckled. Gojo's eyes widened and he revealed himself from behind the tree, scratching the back of his neck. "What gave me away?" He asked. "I could just tell" Yuji teasingly said.

Yuji's known Satoru was following him. Have been since he left the school. When he turned a corner he looked back quickly and saw white hair disappear behind a wall. He knew it was Gojo right from the get go

Satoru eyed the bouquet of flowers in his hand. "Visiting your grandfather again?" He guessed. "Yep" Yuji answered with a smile. "Wanna come along? Actually meet him instead of lingering outside his room?"

Everytime he visits his grandfather and Gojo tagged along, the white haired male couldn't for some reason bring himself to step inside the hospital room, and would come up with excuses when Yuji would insist he come inside.

Satoru probably didn't leave a good impression on Yuji's grandfather

But today he decided to change that

"Why not?" He said.

Not wanting to go there empty handed, he bought a basket of blue poppies. "In ancient china this symbolizes longevity" he told Yuji who was eyeing tbe flowers curiously.

"Longevity..huh" he mumbled.

He checked his phone once more, but still nothing from his brother. Feeling annoyed, he put the phone back in his pocket and walked ahead, with Gojo walking beside him.

During their walk, Satoru took to studying Yuji's features. His brows were furrowed and he was biting his lip anxiously. His pink hair that Satoru loved to touch was a but disheveled, giving Yuji that just-rolled-out-of-bed-look.

His honey colored eyes were a bit dull, and that didn't sit well with Satoru at all. "Hey" he attempted. "Uhh..seen any good Jennifer Lawrence movies lately?" THAT did it for Yuji. He beamed and began rambling on about his favorite female actress

The only Jennifer Lawrence movie Gojo knew about was the Mockingjay, and even that he barely remembered the details about. But watching Yuji talk so animatedly about the movie brought a smile to his lips.

This was the Yuji he was used to


A speeding car honked its horn as it drove past them, splashing the puddle on the teens. Luckily for Yuji, Gojo reflexively pulled Yuji back and covered him with his body, taking most of the 'hit' from the filthy water.

"Bastard!" He shouted at the car.

Yuji's eyes were wide as he surveyed his senpai head to toe. Gojo was still holding him against his body rather protectively, something Yuji had no intention of telling him lest he pulls away(this thought made him blush a bit). "T-thanks Satoru" Yuji stammered.

"But now I'm filthy" Satoru grumbled pretending to look upset. "I mean I don't regret saving you and all-" this made Yuji laugh. Yeah he did 'save' him from dirty puddle water "But I can't meet your old man looking like this! Ahh well, guess we're gonna have to postpone-"

He was shut up by Yuji giving him a look that says 'Not on my watch'. The pink haired boy pulled out a long handkerchief and started wiping Satoru's face and clothes.

Satoru stood there, just letting Yuji do his thing. A frown in place and tongue sticking out just a little bit, he looked cute. "You're meeting my grandpa today, you're not escaping this one" he smirked looking evil. "He's been really impatient, asking when I'll bring you over and shit"

"Why are you so cute?" Satoru mumbled, squishing Yuji's face in his hands.

Yuji laughed, turning red.

Satoru fondly smiled.

"Awwee..what a cute couple!" an old lady passing by exclaimed.

This surprised the two, making them jump back and cautiously look around their surrounding while avoiding eye contact, faces red.

"We're not a couple" Yuji said to the old woman with a chuckle. "Yet" Satoru added in his mind.

"Really? That's too bad then" the woman said before walking away.

"W-we should ahh..probably get going" Yuji stammered, holding thr bouquet against his chest.

Blue Skies And Sunshines(GoYuu Completed)Where stories live. Discover now