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"Do you ever use that brain of yours?! What's going on in there?! How have you never noticed how much that sunglasses wearing weirdo likes you so much?! Are you blind?!"  this played in Yuji's mind repeatedly like a broken record. Gojo likes him? As in likes him romantically? Is there really a possibility that Gojo feels the same way?

"My friends seem to think so, they were really pissed at me when I told them we weren't dating" he thought. "Well more like... Pissed at me for never noticing how much we act like a couple and then flat out deny everything.. Yeah I can see how annoying that is"

He replays in his head everytime Satoru was overtly sweet and clingy to him. He just thought Satoru was playing with him.. but maybe none of that was a trick?

Yuji couldn't stop the stupid smile from forming on his face, or the blush that creeped up from his neck. He must have looked stupid, walking around with a red face and big smile, but he didn't care.

He wanted to confront his senpai about his behavior towards him, ask him if what Nobara and Megumi said about his crush on Yuji was true. "Would we start dating?" The thought alone was enough to send him on cloud nine

"Sukuna would hate that--Wait maybe he won't, ever since he found out how rich Gojo is he's been encouraging me to pursue him more--Sukuna just wants to use me to get to Gojo-senpai's money though" he thinks, irritated with his older brother.

But at least that means big brother approves.

What about grandpa?

How would he feel if he learned his grandson is dating guy? Would he be angry? Would he not care? Hopefully it wouldn't further cause damage to his already falling heart, Yuji worries about Wasuke's reaction. What if he has a heart attack?

He was getting ahead of himself. He's only just found out his crush possibly likes him back! But he can't help it, he feels so giddy. "During lunch! I'll ask him to meet me at the roof"

"Excuse me"

He snapped out of his daydreams when someone poked his side. He looked to his left and nearly jumped when he saw a face close to his. He stepped back, surprised. "Whoa there! Back up" he said. The person seemed to be a senior. He was taller than him, with grey-blue hair and an eerie smile

Yuji has seen him around before, but never up close. "I never even noticed he was so close to me"

for a minute, the two stared at each other in silence. The taller boy was looking at him weirdly, it made Yuji uncomfortable. "Uhh... do you need something?" He asked, with a forced smile.

"You're Itadori Yuji-kun right?" The grey-blue haired boy kept smiling at him, it unnerved Yuji because his face looked like it was stitched together. "Yeah?" Yuji answered

"Why did that came off as a question? Are you unsure of who you are?" The stitched-faced-boy chuckled. Yuji didn't sense any ill intent from him, so he loosened up. "No I--haha, you just surprised me" he laughed. "Yep! That's me, Itadori Yuji at your service" he even saluted which made the other boy smile more widely

His smile creeped Yuji out a bit, but he tried not to show it. "You're the cute pinkie who's always hanging around Gojo"

"That's me" Yuji chuckled. "Uhh, I don't always hang around Gojo-senpai though-"

"You're always seen together" the bluenette stated. Yuji blinked "Um, yeah I guess we're-"

"Even outside school" the bluenette continued. "He stayed over at your place right?"

Now Yuji was on guard again. He didn't like this guy, there was just something off about him, no matter how friendly he presented himself to be. "What do you want from me?" He asked, frowning.

"Nothing" the older boy said simply, entering his hands in his pockets. "I just wanted to, see you, that's all" he walked past Yuji, brushing their arms on purpose.

"You should head to class Itadori-kun!" He looked over his shoulder. "I'll see you... around, yes?"

Yuji resisted the urge to squirm. "No, I hope you don't"

Blue Skies And Sunshines(GoYuu Completed)Where stories live. Discover now