Messed Ego

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Prince had no idea about the issues between Karan and Teju. He casually raised his eyebrows to seek Karan's concern.

When it comes to any decision made by Prince in the hospital, Karan is helpless to oppose him because he is the best in his management. “That’s your decision, Prince; I have no say in this matter.” Karan sighed in his heart and spilled those words forcefully.

The change in the attitude of Karan flabbergasted Teju. ‘He is beating a chameleon.’ Whatever, she was joyous in her heart. She didn’t want to think too much about getting what was rightfully hers. Her hard work paid off immediately.

Teju and Adaa shook their hands, secretly, behind their back. Teju bowed to Prince respectfully and said, “Thanks a lot, Dr. Prince, and to you too, Dr. KK.”

She had a teasing smirk while looking at Karan, which pissed him off.


Sometimes later Teju was once again standing in the dean’s cabin with her admission form in her hand, which had been ruthlessly rejected by Karan sometime before.

Dr. Karan Kundrra signed the papers with a grumpy look, which approved Dr. Teju Kapoor's enrollment for an internship with Prakash Medical College and Hospital.

‘I told you I will get what is mine. Better not to challenge me in the future.’ Teju had these words at the tip of her tongue to tease Karan after seeing his grumpy face, but she held it within her.

“Thank you so much Dr. HK oops, sorry Dr. KK, finally everything has fallen into its right place.” Teju said with a mocking smile while taking the papers from Karan.

She turned on her heels and walked towards the exit door with a proud smile, but her steps came to a halt when Karan called her from behind.

“Excuse me, Miss Teju Kapoor.”

“Yes?” Teju turned and raised her eyebrows.

“Miss Teju Kapoor, you have made a big mistake by challenging me. From now onwards, your every day will be difficult in this hospital, and I will make sure about it, so technically welcome to the hell of Prakash Medical College and Hospital.”

Karan’s ego once again yelled inside him and he openly challenged Teju.

However, Teju is not a pushover; she is a smart and a confident girl. Though she bowed her head respectfully, but the same smirk was still playing on her lips when she retorted,

“Thank you so much for your warm welcome and please go ahead because Teju is not scared of difficulties, so it’s better, rather than wasting your time on me pay close attention to your hospital, which is full of a bunch of useless people. We have seen a sample of it sometime ago.”

Ahh, Teju once again challenged Karan's respect. He never faced such a series of humiliation in his life ever before and was helpless to take action against the culprit. Still, he refused to give up this verbal fight.

“My hospital is my priority, and I know how to deal with its management. I don’t need to be told by any random person what I had to sacrifice for this hospital and to make it No.1 hospital in the entire country. You better think of your future, which is now connected to my hospital, and I will not tolerate any indiscipline.”

Karan refuted immediately, but his voice turned heavy. He had an emotional connection with the Prakash hospital. It’s like his battlefield.

Teju didn’t realize that Karan was getting emotional, and couldn’t take it without refuting. “My future is already bright and your hospital’s too, coz I am going to be a part of it.” She said with proud.

“Don’t think so highly of yourself. Only being smart through book isn’t enough in this hospital, but hard work with practical knowledge will make you survive. A prankster and flippant attitude like yours isn’t worthy. From now on, my eyes will be on you, just a single mistake, and you will be out of here.”

Karan warned Teju and showed the exit door with his two fingers. Inwardly he was surprised why he got entangle in an argument with this intern because it’s not like him. Being argumentative to prove his point is not his cup of tea. He believed in action more than words.

“That’s great. You are surely going to witness my practical knowledge and regarding the mistake Teju rectifies other’s mistake, didn’t you notice sometime before? Rest is history because I won’t let anybody kick me out from here. I will complete my internship from this college and that’s my promise to you.”

Teju said a bit loudly and arrogantly with a red face. Karan's constantly challenging attitude also pissed her off. He literally made her his enemy for no reason.

“My action will prove more than my words.” Karan said and pointed towards the exit door. He put an end to this verbal fight.

Teju didn’t say anything further, turned around and walked out calmly.

On the way back home, she drove her racing car faster than before and Adaa was laughing and yelling throughout the way.

“Teju, I wonder, being such a fast driver, how do you manage being so careful?” Adaa asked in surprise because a few times during turns she felt like they were going to collide with the vehicle opposite to them, but Teju carefully avoided an accident.

“Even I wonder, how can I be born with so many talents. Seems like I am the god’s special child.”

“Teju, don’t fly so high. Just imagine, if one day your brother, Mr. Varun Kapoor, will come to know about your adventures with racing cars, then you will be grounded.”

Adaa tried to threaten Teju, but Teju didn’t buy her words.

“That’s never going to happen. VB will never come to know about it and even if he finds out, I know how to escape from his punishment.”

Teju said with confidence while taking sharp turns, and flaunt to tease Adaa for no reason.

“If your brother will evaluate my result with your significant results one more time, I will spill the beans and make sure to add proper fuel to fire, to not let you escape from being punished.”

As every caring brother Varun Kapoor always thinks that Teju's friend, Adaa Khan is a daughter of a politician and average in studies which can affect her sister’s studies too, that’s why he always scolds Adaa for not being as good as Teju in studies.

Teju again didn’t bother about Adaa's threat and refuted confidently, “Go ahead and try your luck. I will tell him that you don’t study during exams and then buy examination papers using your father’s name.”

Adaa was only teasing Teju for fun, but Teju turned the table towards her. It horrified Adaa.

“What, have you gone nuts?”

Teju was joyous when she let Adaa taste of her own teasing. She controlled her laugh and said, “Then you can imagine my brother’s reaction, after that....”

Teju left her words incomplete on purpose and Adaa imagined that Varun Kapoor was scolding her and she was listening to a long lecture about studies.

Teju stopped the car in the parking of the Kapoor Mansion and looked at her side, Adaa was sitting with a grumpy face. Teju suddenly burst into a laugh and then only Adaa realized that it was another prank of Teju.

“Teju, you are an idiot. You will give me a heart attack by your pranks. Mend your ways, I am telling you otherwise you will end up in a more serious problem than today.”

Teju’s face turned serious in an instant, realizing that today she really had messed up and if her mother or brother will come to know, they will be upset. She can’t play with her career.

Recalling the entire incidents of the day since morning, she sighed and thought once again and found that she hadn’t done anything wrong, just screwed with an ego.

After getting home, she told the entire incident to her elder brother Varun Kapoor, which triggered his anger.

"Teju, change your college. I don’t want you to do anything with that Karan Kundrra.”

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