The Divorce

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Teju had blank face and she said in a cold tone, "I want divorce. Karan I want you to divorce me, will you?"

Karan stood up from the bed, shock was understatement for him. "What nonsense are you spitting? And why suddenly you brought this up now, when we both have feelings for each other?"

Teju took a deep breath, stiffed her back and said in a colder tone, "I don't want to argue with you, just do what I am saying. Till now I did everything as you asked me to do, now I want my life back, just set me free from this unwanted relatioship."

Karan was flabbergasted by Teju's stubbornness. If she don't want to discuss about it then he is not bother to ask the reason anymore. Even though, he wanted to know what is she up to, he will not initiate. He will never divorce her, that's for sure.

Karan made his face stern and once again back to his ruthless mode. "I told you before only that you will never get free from this relatioship, you have to be with me for life long."

"No, I don't have to be, and why would I?"

"In that case, don't you know what can I do?"

Karan tried to threat Teju again, but Teju didn't buy it.

"I don't care what will you do with my friends. How will you destroy Adaa or Jasmin's future had nothing to do with me. You can't threat ne anymore, I just want divorce." Teju was way more stubborn then Karan's imagination. He lost his temper.

"I will never ever divorce you, no matter however you will try, you can't make me obey you." Karan yelled at the top of his lungs.

"You can't make it forcefully when I don't want to be in this relatioship, did you hear me?" Teju also yelled.

"If you have any specific reason let me know, I will think about it, otherwise stop nagging for no reason. I will never divorce you."

Karan and Teju were arguing at the top pitch making other family members alert. Sunita and Aly looked at each other with worry while listening their fight, and held so that they both can solve their matter.

When the sound of their fight were unbearable, Sunita stride to Karan's room and Aly was behind her.

"How many times do I need to repeat myself, I just don't want to be in this relatioship. You have to set me free, do you understand." Teju yelled again being frustrate regardless of the audience she has.

"Teju, calm down, what is wrong with you? Why are you both fighting and why are you nagging for divorce." Sunita said beseechingly. She was about to breakdown.

"I don't take your reason into accord, forget about the divorce. When I am sure we both have feelings for each other, I will never let this relatioship get ended." Karan retorted in the same tone as Teju.

"Karan, please calm down, how can you talk to your wife like this?" Sunita tried again to cease fire but nothing worked.

"Have a great look to your son SM. He is just domineering and rude. I don't want to live with him and that's my final decision."

Teju yelled and started packing her stuff whereas Karan dashed out of the room after sparing a sharp glare to her.

Sunita yelled seeing Karan walking out. "Karan stop, where are you heading? Stop her she is packing her bag. Teju what are you doing, please stop both of you."

"SM, I am sorry to say but I am going back to my house." Teju said hurriedly while stuffing her clothes in a bag.

"What absurd you are talking Teju, this is your house, please stop being stubborn." Sunita said while crying.

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