Back To Kapoor Mansion

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Karan made Teju's mobile fell and broke on purpose and act apologetic. "Oops sorry....."

Teju's eyes widen seeing her only few months old iPhone 14 Max Pro divided into several pieces.

Even Sunita and Aly stood up in tension, don't know how nasty this fight could turn.

"Karan, you broke her phone, how could you do this?" Sunita said.

"Sorry, I lost my grip from this thing, it's not like I did it on purpose."

Karan lied balantly when everbody knew it wasn't any mistake but a pre-planned action.

Teju's anger has no boundaries after seeing the miserable condition of his dear phone. She clenched her fist.

"Mr. HK, I know all your tricks in sleeve, so don't try to act innocent. Do whatever you want, you can't stop me by these cheap tricks."

"Don't be in delusion, I never said that I will stop you. I clearly stated I will make your journey going away from me unimaginable difficult." Karan answered calmly.

Teju was irked by Karan's attitude. She seeked Sunita's help.

"SM, please lend me your phone, I need to book a cab."

"I am sorry my child but Karan gave his swear to me and Aly to not to help you. I am helpless and embarrassed.

"It's ok SM, you don't need to apologise, but people here, who thinks that they can stop me by these lowly hurdles let me tell the fact that I am unstoppable and not going to stop."

Teju empathize her words looking into Karan's eyes by her red fire spitting gaze and walked out of the mansion by dragging her bag.

Karan and his family watched the back of Teju's retorting figure helplessly.

"Karan, what are doing, how can you let her go out like this?" Sunita said in dismay.

"Don't worry mom, I just let her walked out of the mansion as she was desperate because she must have something in her pea sized brain, but I promise will never ever let her go out of my life." Karan said adamantly and Sunita released a sigh of relief.

Teju dragged her luggage out of the main gate of the mansion with quite difficulty but great will and started walking on the long road towards the Kapoor mansion, while looking for the taxi as well. She had to walk for more than 15 minutes to finally get a taxi which drove her to her destination.

Teju found in the living hall of Kapoor mansion everyone is already gathered, seemed like waiting for her. She was sure that either Karan or Sunita informed them about the fuss she created back in Kundrra mansion.

She was correct it was Sunita's doings.

As soon as Disha saw her, she stood up walked to her in dismay.

"Teju, what happened my child, why do want to sever this marriage? Samrat is the person you loved dearly, got married against everbody's will, confessed your love in front of so many audience. Even he loves you so much and you know that, isn't it?"

"Mom please, I don't want to talk about this."

Teju got irritated by the same question from everbody and felt like why she would have to explain each and everyone about her decision about her own life.

She was about to go but Dhanya blocked her way and said sternly.

"Teju, none of us will tolerate your stubbornness for no reason and this time I will not let you ruin your life, did you get it? Either give us the specific reason behind your decision or get back from it."

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