The Confession

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"I got married to Teju, because I love her." Karan answered while looking into Teju's eyes with love and passion. Teju's eyes brimmed with joy.

"I love her because she is the most beautiful person internally and externally as well. The most intelligent, smart and hardworking doctor, then why not anybody will fall for a beauty with brain?"

The hall echoed with claps and hooting sound.

This was Karan's indirect refute to people who were indulge into charater assassinating Teju, being in her party. He stated in clear words that he fall for Teju because of her exquisite beauty, talent and smartness.

"Dr. Teju, we got to know from our sources that your family wasn't pleased with your wedding and they even disowned you, is that true?"

Here they got another question topic related to hot gossip.

"You media people shouldn't believe every news you heard, that was just a rumour. My family is very happy with my marriage and attending this party." Teju laughed and answered.

"Dr. KK, in the first interview of your career you said that you are accepting the post of provisional president and in the future this post will belong to your wife. Please let us know Dr. Teju will be the dean of Prakash hospital soon?"

The whole question itself is a sensation, all gasped listening and bewildered that Teju was going to get a giant whale, the entire Prakash hospital under her name.

"Of course, when I made such a statement, I mean it. Dr. Teju is not only my wife, but future president of Prakash hospital."

Each and every guest of the party held their breath. Teju hit the jackpot, she not only grabbed the best piece of the cheese cake everbody was eyeing, but gulped the entire giant whale which could only be dream of others.

Teju wasn't paying heed to the question before assuming it a rumour and thought why any newbie will be the president of Prakash hospital when Karan is there, but she rendered dumbfounded after listening to Karan's answer.

"Karan, what are talking?" Teju mumbled in Karan's ears.

Samrat nodded his head, got up from the chair and sat on his one knee.

"Yes sweetheart, I am stating the truth. Today in front of the entire world I want to announce that I love you from the bottom of my heart and you are they only one who has the rights on all my love and on the presidenship of Prakash hospital in the future. I think this answer is enough to satisfy the zeal of the people who were curious to know why I got married to Dr. Teju."

Karan stood up, pulled Teju up from the chair and hugged her in front of so many cameras giving the candid pose to the media. She too reciprocated his hug.

After breaking the hug Karan held Teju from her shoulder under his protective arm and turned to media.

"Now, please excuse me."

They were descending the stairs when few reporters were shouting for one last question and paps were asking for one more pic.

"No more, please enjoy the party......." Karan showed his hand and walked into the main party hall leaving media people into the adjacent party hall organized for them.

Karan and Teju were once again surrounded by the guests smiling more than before and drove hostile to the jealous soul more than before.

Teju was seeking opportunity and as soon as she got to seize she came to Varun because she didn't done with talking to him before.

"VB, did you forgive me for my step to getting married. I hope I didn't upset you by my answer to media."

"Of course not, you did a great job in front of media and I can't be angry to you. Before I was just concern for you, but today I realised nobody can love you more than Karan." Varun said.

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