Teju's Safety

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"My son Karan will get married to Teju. Not only they likes each other since they were young even as their elders we always dreamt to make our children get married when they will grow up."

"What everbody jumped from their places......."

Varun wanted to refuse the proposal but before him Karan showed his strong disagreement. He had an heated argument with his mother.

"No, mom, whatever you will say but this can't be possible. To be truth Teju hates me to the core and if she will get her memory back then......."

Karan shivered and unable to speak further, he couldn't even imagine Teju's reaction towards him after regaining her past memory and their painful separation. He burnt all the bridges between them and can only regret over the past.

"I don't want your excuses, make it possible by hook or by crook." Sunita ordered sternly.

"Mrs. Kundrra, forceful marriage will ruin both of their life." Disha said her concern.

"Disha, trust me, it's a best plan to save Teju."

"No Mrs. Kundrra, even I will not allow this, Teju's happiness matters that most, she can not lead a harmonious life like this."

Varun refused the plan very strongly which drove Karan sulky.

"Right now Teju's safety matters the most and her growth in a healthy and carefree atmosphere. Regarding her happiness, Mr. Kapoor I promise Teju will be the happiest under the roof of Kundrra mansion, otherwise you can take her back with you anytime."

Karan retorted staring into Varun's eyes like challenging him. Varun is not in a mood to play any such games and about to deny again but stopped by Disha.

"If you people are sure that your plan can avoid Teju's life threat forever, then I am in. Mr. Kundrra you can proceed as you want. Even though it will upset her for some time, we will bear with it." Disha said decisively.

Karan, Sunita and Anand left after discussing their further plan, but today everbody is drowning in guilt and agony sitting in their rooms after seeing the chirpy and cheerful Teju complete lifeless.

The next morning Teju woke up lazily and took few minutes to register the reality after seeing the foreign surroundings.

"Oh, now I am married and right now in Kundrra mansion, but I was sleeping on the couch, how come I woke up on the bed?"

Teju mumbled to herself while tapping her chin as an action of thinking.

She noticed the spare pillow and comforter on the bed and got that it was all Samrat's doings.

"Why did Hitler do that? Is he trying to be good to me? Impossible Hitler can't be good, he must have ulterior motives, I should have to be alert even in my slumber."

Teju questioned and answered herself while blabbering many absurd things, back to her own self.

"Huh, Hitler Kundrra can't beat Teju Kapoor always. Even though you got married to me forcefully, I will make you regret on your decision."

Teju got up from the bed and surprised to see the clean room which she messed last night. She thought at first who did that, then jerked her shoulder. "Huh, whoever cleaned the room, why would I care. I will live here as I used to live in my house."

She was going to get wash and change but obtained that she don't have extra pair of clothes to change. Then she called Adaa and asked her to get her entire wardrobe including her books and the necessary stuffs she uses daily with her car to Kundrra mansion.

"Ok, hang on for some time, it will take time for me arrange." Adaa said.

"Alright, but move fast....." Teju said and ended the call.

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