Chapter Nineteen

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Pari was sad but happy at the same time. Sad because she's now leaving her home again but happy that she's going to her other home and her bhachas.

The Chauhans didn't even realise how those two days ended so fast. But for Pari it was feeling a little slow since she had missed someone's strong yet warm arms and embrace.

It is 10 in the morning and Veer is supposed to pick her at 11 but seems like someone didn't look at the time because Veer was here at 9:30 and has stayed talking to Pari's father since then.

Veer was given the special son in law treat which he liked very much.

Soon after it was time to leave and Pari felt like it was her farewell again. She cried in her father's and brothers arms but stopped after Veer said to bring her here anytime she wants.

Veer opened the door for Pari while Pari thanked him and saw so many cars behind them with bodyguards.

Pari shook her head and sat down, soon they were on their way.

Pari was glancing at Veer again and again until she saw him looking at her.

Pari blushed and turned her head. Veer seeing this smirked and continued driving.

When Pari looked ahead they already had reached the palace.

They got out and went inside, Pari saw her bhachas rushing to her with huge grins on their faces.

Bhabhi ma how are you, you won't leave us again right, Pari was asked questions without getting a chance to reply. The youngers stopped when bade hukum asked them to calm down.

Pari went towards the elders and took their blessings and then answered all the questions.

Pari went to the chamber and saw Veer in room. She went towards him but he ignored her and went out.

Pari frowned but left it thinking he might be busy. She freshen up and went to the kitchen and saw the maids starting to cook. She asked them to leave as she wanted to cook but the maid told her that they got strict orders to refrain her from cooking and letting her rest.

Pari pouted and went to living room where she saw everyone sitting.

She sat down and Shiv seeing her pout asked her.

Bhabhi ma, what happened. Why are you so sad.

Hearing this everyone asked her as they were worried that something happened.

No I'm not sad it's just I wanted to cook dinner for us but I'm refrained from it as I was told to rest.

Bade hukum smiled and said so it's a good thing right whereas everyone agreed.

Yes but I wanted to cook for us plus I love cooking.

Abhimaan told her to rest for today and she can cook tomorrow, hearing this she grinned with happiness.

Acha bhachas what did you have for lunch at school.

Oh we had ordered something from the canteen there.

She frowned and asked them why didn't they take homemade lunch.

The youngers told her as how they didn't like when their food get cold throughout the day and they didn't like it when the maids cooked them lunch as they don't know what they like.

She then asked the elders as well as the elder brothers about their lunch and they told that they usually skip lunch as they don't get time.

Pari was worried and Abhimaan saw it and told her not to worry as they were used to it now.

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