Chapter Forty Six

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Two month has went by when we started to plan for a baby.

Everytime we would get a negative answer was when I see her pain filled eyes.

But I know with all of this she stills tries to be happy because of the promise we made.

But in this she forgot my birthday.

Stop pouting like a baby

Great you're back

"Bhai sa, we have a problem", said Virat.

God all I want is a single day where there is no problem and I go back to my home, my wife's arms and make sweet love to her.

But no it's like the whole universe just wants me away from my wife.


"The palace".

Two words got me running my f**king a**.

Palace, Pari. She didn't come to work well I made her rest. From the past days she has been working to much that it increased her blood pressure.

Jumping in the car. I drove to the palace. Even my guards couldn't compete with the speed I'm going.

A 20 minutes drive was shorten to 10 minutes.

Reaching there I saw the whole palace dark.

Taking my gun out I ran inside only to hear a shot.


Today was a very special day, well today is his birthday. I've planned everything.

He made my plan easier by making me stay at home. Well I was sick but not anymore.

I messaged Virat bhai sa and he send me a thumbs up.

My bhachas turned the whole lights off.

Dada sa, dad, papa, bhais everyone was here.

"Ma he's here".

"Ok hide everyone".

I saw Veer coming in with a gun. Not surprising at all. I asked him many times why does he carry his gun. All he answers is for safety jaan.

For once I thought he's in a mafia.

I saw how he ran inside. And boom.


"Surprise", Everyone shouted. As Ayush did the confetti.

Veer's eyes ran around the hall to find hers.

And it did, he ran towards her and hugged her tight.

Rubbing his beard on her jaw he asked, "are you fine".

"Yes Veer. I'm OK".

"See all this".

Veer turned around and a small like very small smile came that was hone in a second.

Everyone rolled their eyes as it is nothing new for them.

He would show emotions to her even in front of them but with them it's like he has a goddamn stick stuck.

"Happy birthday baby", Pari whispered as shivers ran down his spine feeling her breath on his neck.

"Happy birthday".

Their wishes seemed to being him back from his dirty dream.

She grabbed his hand as she walked towards the cake.

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