Part 8~ TMI

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There's a Halloween party in a day Taylor convinced Elijah to go
(The top picture is his outfit)
Elijah wasn't to fond of the idea of a party but he had heard that the person hosting the party had a piano people could try to play, and Elijah only agreed if no one knew he was coming but Taylor knew, Ray and Blake knew Elijah was thinking about coming not knowing he already said yes, also there's no actual costumes.

Elijah walked up to his room "hey so what is everyone wearing to the party?" Taylor asked "I'm going in a sparkling black dress." Blake said with a smile "well I'm just going to wear some ripped jeans with a black shirt." Ray said grabbing a chip from the bull "are you sure you don't want to go, Elijah?" Elijah nodded "what are you wearing Taylor?" She looked at Blake "hmm I think I'ma just wear a cropped top and a pair of jeans." Blake got excited " I'm so ready the first party of this new town!" They all started laughing except for Elijah who was sitting at his desk doing homework "Elijah, homework can wait come chill with us." Elijah looked at Blake "no thanks." Elijah said tossing the remote to them, signaling to them that they can watch TV, so they did, tomorrow was the party and Elijah was really nervous for some reason, maybe because the last party he went to no one talked to him but just avoided him at all cost.

The next morning after everyone left Elijah check his outfit and had it washed again by the Tim it was done there was about 2-4 hours till and he got a text.

?' hey it's Taylor, we are all meeting at my address   *** ***   and I'm telling everyone that I had other person to join us, so your name is David for tonight ;)

Elijah' ok cya then

After a shower, and getting ready Elijah put his black mask on and left to Taylors house. When he got there everyone greeted him before leaving to the party,when they all got there they were greeted at the door.

The whole night Elijah had quite a ok time till it was time for Truth or dare and the questions were ok for a bit but the Ray was called on "Truth." He said "ok is it true that u have a crush, if you do tell us who." Ray turned pink "Im gay and I kinda like Elijah to be honest." He said hiding his face in his hands Taylor and Elijah went wide eyed, and Elijah got really uncomfortable so he went out back to clear his head, he took his mask off and took a sip of the drink before spitting it out, it had alcohol in it 'gross' Elijah thought to himself before putting his mask on and going inside "David truth or dare." Elijah looked at Taylor "truth." Taylor looked away for a second "ok is it true that you play piano." Elijah nodded "ohh can you play a Halloween song!" Some random girl said Elijah nodded again going to the piano that was in the living room and playing a Halloween song, Rays eyes went wide because Elijah Played on higher notes then most people that play. After a bit it was Ray's turn "David truth or dare." Elijah looked at him "truth." Ray looked at Taylor and said "is it true that David isn't your real name." Taylor knew he had found out and signaled to Elijah that he knew "yes that's true." "What's your real name then." Elijah said " my name is..." He looked at everyone, quickly got up and ran out the front door, he went home and took his mask off before going to his room.

The next morning everyone came over, when they got inside Ray said "why the heck would you not tell us you were going to the party, and why didn't you tell anyone you name huh." Elijah could tell Ray was mad "I didn't think I would have to tell you." Ray looked even more mad "well it would have been nice to know." Elijah was trying to stay calm, since Elijah was little he had bad anger issues he got them from his dad.

Ray and Elijah got in a fight well Elijah was trying to stay calm Ray was going off "you know I thought having a dad like yours was cool but now I see that, I'm glad I didn't because you are a cowering, angry, dry, awful person, no wonder you dad his you!" When Elijah heard that he didn't say anything, he just punched him, punched him so hard that Ray's nose started bleeding, Elijah was to angry to feel the pain of hiring someone, Ray quickly got up and through a punch but missed, then Ray's face and Elijah's hand met again "get out!" Elijah shouted making Ray leave, then Elijah punched his wall, breaking the wall and hurting his hand in the process "you guys should just leave. Elijah said pulling his hand from the wall, everyone left and Elijah went for a walk on the way he heard yelling of his name, he turned to see blue and a woman who looked to be in her 20s-30s, with lilly when they caught up to him the woman said "hey I wanted to thank you for finding Blue." Elijah nodded "no problem." He said with a smile, Elijah loved kids "hey I'm so sorry to ask but if I pay you will you babysit Blue." Elijah nodded "you don't have to pay me but I'd love to watch blue." Elijah said smiling "you know you not as bad as everyone says you are." She smiles as they keep walking, Elijah learned a lot about Blue, lilly, and the woman, Elijah also learned that the woman's name is Gwen.

They stopped when Blue asked "can we get coco?" Gwen gave him a sad look and said "sorry buddy maybe next time, I don't get my check till Friday." Blue looked away disappointed "that's why I stopped asking for stuff." Elijah felt so bad "I can get you guys some if that's ok." Gwen looked at him "you d-" "I know but I want to." She gave a look of defeat and nodded, blue and Lilly got a big smile on their face before grabbing Elijah and pulling him to the hot coco shop.


Hey hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry it's super long


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