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"𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐝𝐚'𝐬 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭"

I just wanna mention that I haven't read the manga, so I'll be going according to the anime. Tell me if any scenes or events are wrong because it's been at least a year since I watched assclass.

Also, this takes place after Irina and Karma arrive but I've kinda stretched out how long they've been here... sorry if this gets confusing.

Thank you!!

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YOU AND RIO had just finished mixing your chemicals and were waiting for a reaction. The thing is... you both just put whatever inside, not really caring whether it was the chemicals you were meant to add or not.

As you guys were waiting for the reaction, Isogai walked over towards the two of you. He felt the need to check up on his classmates as the class representative should do.

"Hey (last)- I mean (name) and Nakamura." Isogai greets the two of you and you both do the same back

"How is your experiment going? What chemicals did you add?" He walks closer to your mixture of chemicals.

"Heh.. about that..." you trail off, leaving Rio to finish off your sentence like the queen she is.

"We have no idea of what we added, so we're just waiting for the result." Rio and you grinned, as you hoped to create an explosion with the amount of chemicals you mixed together.

Isogai sweatdropped at your happy states, even though no one had an idea of the outcome of your chemicals. He said his goodbyes as he went over to the next pair to check up on. He didn't leave without making a mental note to keep an eye on the both of you though. He knew something bad was bound to happen.

"Why is it taking so long... it's been years already, I can feel myself growing old already." You whined as your patience was beginning to wear thin.

"And we can't leave our station as well otherwise Korosensei will get mad and we won't be able to do any more practicals in chemistry." Rio groaned in frustration

As you and your partner-in-crime waited for your chemical reaction, Okuda had finally gathered enough courage to confront the Octopus.

"Korosensei I made poison for you! Please drink it." Bowing her head down, Okuda outstretched her arms in which the poisons were in.

Everyone watched, doubtful that Korosensei would listen to her. The situation was equivalent to asking a robber to stop robbing your house. No robber would stop robbing your house and sit down to drink tea with you just because you asked.

"A very honest assasination attempt, Okuda." Korosensei says, definitely not letting that iconic smile of his falter.

"I-I'm not good at surprise attacks like everyone else... but I am good at chemistry. So I put my heart and soul into making this!" Okuda says, showing off her passion for chemistry.

"Well, since you poured your heart and soul into this, I would be honoured to drink this!" Korosensei exclaims and he took one of the poisons from Okuda.

Shock was evident across everyone's faces, including yours. No one knew Korosensei was that dumb, especially if he was drinking poison. Not even the dumbest person on earth would do that.

As he drank the first vial, he looked - no, sounded - like he was in great pain.

"No way.."
"He actually drank it!?"
"Why does he sound like that?"
"Is it working?"

Everyone was waiting for the results to appear. Then, all of a sudden, Korosensei's face became blue with.. horns?

"He grew horns?"
"That's a first."

"Ahh, this tastes like sodium hydroxide. Poisonous to humans, but not to me! All I did was grow horns." Korosensei informed everyone as the class was out of their seats, wanting to see what happens next.

"This is the second one, am I correct?" Korosensei asks Okuda, holding another glass vial in his tentacle fingers.

"Y-Yes sir." The shy girl replied.

He then drank the next vial and sounded like he was about to throw up. You and some others cringe in disgust after hearing the noises your teacher was making.

"He turned teal!"
"He has wings on his head!"
"Hey Maehara, move your big head! I can't see."
"His face looks pretty fancy..."

Everyone's descriptions on Korosensei were accurate. His head was a bright shade of teal, he had wings on either side of his head and he had short mini horns that were on his forehead.

"Definitely thallium acetate." Okuda nodded at that. "Now let's try the last one!"

Korosensei drank the last poison made by Okuda out of a flask. He started to make noises like he did with the other two poisons.

"What's gonna happen?"
"Will this kill him?"
"What's the last one going to do?"
"He sounds constipated."

That last remark was you.

Cutting short all the constipated groaning, the non-human's face went blank. He wasn't even smiling.

"His face is blank!"
"I never thought Korosensei could stop smiling.."

"Aqua regia, I see," Korosensei murmured. "The poisons only affected my face."

"It doesn't get blanker than that!"
"He looks like an emoji."

As Korosensei was giving Okuda a lecture, he sounded like he was losing his voice. Until, his face became normal again, that is.

After the lecture and Korosensei making plans with Okuda to make a poison that would kill him, everyone went back to cleaning up as they got ready for their next class, which was History.

You and Rio turned back to your station when you both noticed that your vial was shaking.

"What the-" You were cut off by the explosion of fire that was created. It had lasted for quite a while, meaning that everyone saw. That also meant double the amount of trouble you guys were in.

The two of you were happy though as your long awaited reaction had finally occurred. And it was something cool as well! You both ignored Korosensei's frantic screams and gave each other a high five.

𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐖𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 | 𝚔. 𝚊𝚔𝚊𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚎Where stories live. Discover now