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"𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐞."

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"KARMA AND (NAME) have been getting along quite well if I'm honest.." Nagisa mumbled, as he watched you and Karma prepare to prank Terasaka.

"It's like they're dating!" Kayano exclaimed excitedly, sighing dreamily at the thought about you two and her and Nagisa having double dates.

"They're the literal spawns of the devil. Mainly Karma, but it doesn't mean (name) can become a sadist like him." Isogai sweatdropped as you furiously nodded at Karma's suggestion to put wasabi up Terasaka's nose.

"We should help them get together. They're always indirectly flirting and are bugging me that they have confessed yet." Yukiko sighed, also watching the two helpless kids in love.

"I-I don't think they like each other like that..." Okuda murmured as she played with her fingers, furrowing her brows at the thought of you guys together.

Interrupting their conversation, you ran over to Nagisa, grabbed his hand, and ran off with him again.

"I'll bring him back!" You shouted, exiting the building.


After you and Karma's successful prank on Terasaka, you both decided to skip history, seeing as nothing interesting was being taught.

You were currently lying on Karma's lap and he laid on the grass in the forest. None of you had said a word, all that was present was a comfortable silence, which none of you minded. You were pretty close anyways.

"Karma..." you called out to the said boy, catching all of his attention.

"Hm?" He hummed in response

"Are you surprised that we're close? Like, I didn't expect you to be my best friend." You mumbled, embarrassed to tell him this.

The redhead brushed a hand through your (h/l) (h/c) hair.

"Hmm, not really. I kinda figured that you were a bit cheeky when you argued with Vitch-sensei. But, I'll have to admit, I initially thought you were similar to Okuda: timid and shy and all. Guess you fooled me." He softly smiles at you.

You look back at him in shock, not expecting him to smile at you like that, let alone confess what he thought about you. He raises an eyebrow at you, which results in you slightly shaking your head, telling him that it was nothing.

He decided to not push it and continues to brush your hair with his fingers.

"Soft.." He mumbles. Funny thing is, he was too carried away with touching your hair to even notice that you had fallen asleep with the help of the sweet yet soothing action.

He only noticed when you slightly leaned into his touch while moving into a more comfortable position. Using the opportunity given, he took out his phone and took a picture of your sleeping self, making sure to put it as his lockscreen.

But what the two of you didn't know was that a lot of people were watching your interaction and some were squealing intensely.


History had now ended and it was lunchtime. During the lesson, Korosensei had banned everyone from looking out the window at the two of you. Meaning nobody actually saw Karma carry you bridal style away from the classroom and further into the woods.

Rio, you and Hayami had made plans to eat lunch together but were confused when you and your 'lover' were nowhere in sight.

"I swear they were lying down here and being all lovey dovey a few minutes ago..." Hayami scratched her head as she took another look at the field before them.

"Maybe they ran away?" Yukiko suggested, deciding to help the girls find their lost friend and to also butt in on their friendly date.

"To where?" Hayami questions, thinking hard.

"To the forest? We should check there before coming to any conclusions." Rio stated, before running off into the forest. "Screaming when you find them!!" And at that, she was gone.


Hayami and Yukiko decided to stick together, considering the fact that the forest was quite huge. In record time, they managed to spot familiar red in the distance.

"Over there!" Hayami cheered, happy that they had found them. Her legs were getting tired of all the walking and all she wanted to do was eat.

The two girls ran over to where the mop of red was, just to be met with a red bag hanging around in the trees. They let out a sigh before continuing to look for the two of you.


Rio was now finally walking After running the whole time. She decided to take a break and sat in a tree. Whistling one of her favourite songs, she noticed someone sitting on the roots of a tree with... someone in their arms?

Wanting to get a closer look of the pair, Rio jumped off the tree and ran north to where we were sitting previously.


Hayami and Yukiko were calmly walking further into the forest when the heard a lot of twigs snapping and rustling. Yukiko immediately froze in fear, imagining the worst that could be out in the forest with them. But Hayami, being more braver than Yukiko, continued walking while encouraging the younger to follow behind.

"Hey, isn't that Rio?" Hayami questioned, suddenly running to the said girl.

"H-Hey! Wait for me!!" Yukiko exclaimed before gracefully running after Hayami, making it look like what she was doing was light work.

Hayami and Yukiko finally caught up to Rio, who was taking pictures of Karma and (name) sleeping peacefully in every possible angle.

"Aww! They look so cute together, no wonder why Kayano said they look like they're dating." Yukiko and Hayami fangirled at the sight of their most favourite ship, which was (name) x Karma, also known as (ship name).

"They're waking up!" Rio exclaimed as you slightly shifted in your sleep.

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𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐖𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 | 𝚔. 𝚊𝚔𝚊𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚎Where stories live. Discover now