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"𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩!"

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"HONESTLY, WHO HAS a class trip this early in the year!" Korosensei exclaims, but his outfit definitely contrasts with his words. He was dressed up fully, makeup and all.

"And yet you're dressed up..." Okajima mumbled. "You even look hot in it as well!"


"School trip groups, huh?" Nagisa said, before turning to his friend Karma, who was teasing you.

"Karma! Want to be in my group?" Karma nodded, smirking.

"As long as (name) gets to join too." He says, his arm wrapped around your shoulder. You simply shrugged, not really listening since you were zoning out.

"You sure about that? You won't be pickin' fights and getting into trouble, right?" Sugino was sceptical about jetting the trouble maker into the group.

"No need to worry Sugino. When I fight offsite, I make sure to silence any witnesses." He gave the group a somewhat intimidating smirk, horns and a tail appearing on him as he pulled out a picture with two people holding their ID cards to the camera.

"Nagisa! How could you let this insane spider into our group!?" Sugino said, furious.

"Well, I mean we do go a whole way back as friends so.." Nagisa trailed off.

"Hey, where's our sixth and seventh person? Fuwa said our group has an odd number of people..." you murmured, counting each of your current teammates to make sure you weren't mistaken.

Kayano immediately pulled Okuda into the circle everyone had formed. "How about Okuda? She would be such a great help!" Kayano cheered, and everyone just went along with it.

"Now for our last member..."

"You know, I actually foresaw this and took the liberty of asking out class idol, Kanzaki!" Sugini said with a blush showing off his crush for all to see.

"No objections here." You stated, happy you were in the same group as your best friend. Everyone nodded, agreeing with you. Not one person would mind being with Kanzaki, since she was popular with everyone.

"What children. A school trip is too little, too late for a grown woman like me who's been all over the world." Irina stated, flipping her hair to the side.

"Then you can just stay home, Vitch-sensei."
"Don't forget to water the plants!"

"Oh, and please don't forget to clean the house, it's gettin pretty dusty and since I won't be home, you can do it!" You exclaimed smirking, as you and others started to add more fuel to the fire.

Irina's eyebrow twitched in anger, due to the fact that no one was paying attention to her.

"What the- don't leave me out of your exciting plans!" She screamed, whipping out a gun.

"Argh, look, do you want to come or not!? Make your damned mind up already!" Maehara shouted, fed up with the lady's antics.

In the middle of their argument, Korosensei walked in with thick red books in each of his hands, causing all attention to go to the teacher and not the argument .

"School trip guidebooks!" Korosensei said, dashing and distributing the books to each student, some dropping them due to the weight placed upon them.

You immediately let go of the book, causing dust to fly everywhere and a big 'bang!' was heard. You slightly blushed, seeing everyone turn to you.

"Sorry.." you mumbled, scratching your nape. embarrassed

"Every sightseeing spot illustrated, top 100 souvenirs and travel self-defence how to's from square one to practical use!" Korosensei described some more contents of what you'd call a dictionary. "There's even 'how not to third-wheel with Karma and (name)."

Hearing that, you immediately threw a lone BB pellet at your teacher, who used his Mach 20 speed to avoid it.

"Stupid Octopus.."


Everyone watched as classes A to D boarded the first class compartment, leaving the end class to ride economy.

"Oh dear, is that the stench of poverty I smell?" Some random guy from class D stated, his friends laughing along with him.

"Do pardon me." A honey sweet voice stated, her heels clicking as she walked onto the train platform as if she was the main character which she sadly isn't.

"Vitch-sensei what's with the Hollywood starlet look?" Maehara asked, others humming in agreement.

"(name), darling, do hurry up!" Irina called out to you, completely dismissing Maehara's question.

Another set of heels clicked, revealing you in a pretty yet revealing outfit. You sulked as you stood next to your mother, who was going in and on about looking good when going out. You could see a few of your classmates laughing at you, Rio taking pictures of you and Terasaka growling like the dog he is.

"Both of you stick out like a sore thumb. Go change." Karasuma appeared behind you, proceeding to argue with Irina about why she should change. By the time he had won the argument, which was around 4 minutes, you had already worn another set of clothes, which were more your style and suitable for school. You were wearing (insert outfit style) with your hair in (hairstyle). Everyone looked at you in awe, checking out your awesome style in clothes.

"Much better." You smiled at Karasuma, who gave you a nod of approval.


Everyone was playing cards before Yukiko spoke up.

"I'm going on a drink run, does anyone want to join?" She asked politely, resulting in sugini blushing once again.

You raised your hand along with Okuda and Kayano.

"We'll join as well." You placed your cards on the table before giving Karma a look that told him to not look at your cards. He raised his hands, saying that he wouldn't.

Walking over to the drinks, you accidentally bumped into a tall man with some vampire looking jacket. You paid no attention to it though, immediately forgetting about that small incident. But that man certainly didn't.

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