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"AGAIN?" YOU SAY, unhappy.

"What do you mean again? You're acting like I'm doing this every day." Irina responds, her eyebrows furrowed.

You scoff. "Well, technically you are because it was only yesterday that I spent the evening with you. Not even a full day. And it's been two months since we properly spent time together."

"Now you're acting like a brat. I feed you, clothe you and this is how you repay me!?" Irina slams her hands on the table in front of her.

After you baked a cake with Irina and watched a movie, you both went to bed. In the morning, Irina woke you up, and ate breakfast with you before revealing that she wouldn't be home for quite a while because of something she needed to sort out. A daily occurrence.

"Sure you feed and clothe me, but do you spend time with me?" Irina was speechless, I mean, you did have a point.

"Okay well, you still have to treat me with respect. It's not every second of the day that I have to be with you."

"At least consider my feelings before making decisions." You retort.

" 'aT lEaSt cOnSidEr mY fEEliNgs' " She mocks you. "Listen honey, not everything is about you. Stop being so self-centred and get a reality check." Now it was your turn to be speechless.

You knew Irina could be insensitive, but she didn't have to be this rude.

"I don't know why the hell you're talking. You think everyone loves you because of how pretty you are. But it's not always about looks, it's also about personality. And your personality is atrocious. I don't know how people put up with you." You walked upstairs and put your shoes on before coming back downstairs.

"Where are you going? We haven't finished talking yet." Irina fumed at your figure who had already stepped out of the now-opened door.

"Dunno about you, but I'm leaving. I can't deal with you and your toxic self." At that, you slammed the door shut and made your way to school.


You took your seat at the back of the class and plugged in your headphones, silently vibing. You weren't really in the mood today, so you pretended like you were really focused on writing notes, but in reality, you were just ranting to yourself and cussing out your mother on those pages.

Yukiko was about to approach you but saw you in total concentration, something that doesn't happen very often.

But Karma wasn't gonna do that. Seeing you focusing meant he just had to tease you. It's not every day this happens so he has to take advantage.

He pokes you on the shoulder multiple times, forcing you to pause your music and unplug your headphones.

"What?" You looked quite angry, but Karma didn't see that.

"Never thought I'd see you studying in my lifetime," Karma smirks as he takes a seat, watching your facial expression become annoyed.

"If you're just here to tease me, go away. I'm not in the mood.

"What's got your-" Karma says before being interrupted by you

"I said leave. I don't need to deal with you this early in the morning for goodness sake." At that, you plug your headphones back in and continue with what you were previously doing.

Karma was in shock though, and so was everyone else around him. You've never reacted this harshly to his teasing. Ever.

The boy frowned and went back to his seat, laying his head on the table and closing his eyes. He needed to moment to himself to see what he had done wrong.

Yesterday you were fine. You had the energy to respond to his teasing, you guys went out. During that whole time at McDonald's, you were extremely happy. Maybe it was because of the food or because you were spending time with him.

You guys also nearly kissed after that as well. Too bad some car had to go and ruin it.

Karma sighed and lifted his head from the desk. He doesn't know what he did wrong.

She might just be mad at me for no reason. Maybe she's on her month or something. ❞ Karma stretched and paid attention for once to the class now being taught.


Rio and Hayami approached Karma who was looking at something on his phone.

The two girls took a chair and sat down in front of the boy as if it was an interrogation.

"Karma." Hayami's voice was stern and cold, something no one had heard before.

The redhead looked up from his phone and raised an eyebrow at the two in front of him. They were acting like he did something terrible and wanted him to confess.

"What?" He questioned

"What's going on between you and (name)? If she's acting like this then-" Rio started the sentence.

"Then you've definitely messed up. So we want you to confess-" Hayami continued before being interrupted.

"What the hell You've done to my wifey." Rio finished off, receiving a glare from Hayami.

"Listen, I don't know what I did. Yesterday she was happy and everything, then when I came to her this morning she was acting rude and stuff." Karma explained, rolling his eyes.

"Hmm. You know that does sound a bit convincing, but I know (name) well enough." Rio stated.

"I don't know (name) that well but I know she doesn't do stuff like that. You best not be lying to us." Hayami butted in, wanting to add some threats as well.

"She's not the type to randomly ignore or be rude to someone unless she hates them and I'm 110% sure she loves you more than me," Rio smirks as Karma looks away.

"I guess, but it's not like I'm to blame." Karma pointed out, making the girls nod in agreement.

"I'm going." Karma gets up and walks right past your desk where you are sitting, not even sparing a glance at you.

"Yo Nagisa, wanna go with Korosensei for lunch? He said I can take one person with me and I decided to take you." Karma says to his best friend.

"Why aren't you going with (name)?" Karma immediately ignores his question and asks if he wants to come or not.

The blue-haired male finally agrees and walks out of the classroom to go find their Octopus teacher.

Leaving you to drown in your worries.

What the hell have I done . . . ❞ you pull your hair in frustration, tears ready to fall out of your (e/c) eyes.

First, you argued with your mother and now your best friend and crush is ignoring you. How worse could your day get?


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