Chapter 5: Mean Girl

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"Yes, Ryan I'm fine."

He shakes his head. "Okay, but you seem very distant."

"I just have a lot on my mind right now," I all but snap.

He waves as he walks to his class "Alright, see you after class."

I have been a little weird this morning after yesterday. I guess Ryan picked up on it.
I couldn't stop thinking about Katie.

When I get to my locker and I see Katie talking with a girl and a guy that looks familiar.

I'm opening up my locker when I hear,
"Come on Katie please let me find you a date then we could double." Katie's friend pleads.

"No Izzy. The last time I did that the guy looked at his phone the whole time," Katie says coldly.

"But Katie," Izzy whines.

Katie shakes her head. "Sorry, Iz it's never going to happen, no guy is going to date me."

I really should stop listening. I turn to walk away, but then Stacy walks up to Katie.

Curiosity gets the better of me and I decide to watch this play out.

"Well, look who we have here. It's Horse Girl, I'm shocked you didn't ride your horse here. I mean you might as well have with that beat-up truck of yours."

Katie looks her up and down. "Stacy, not everyone's like you and has their daddy's credit card and gets whatever they want."

Stacy walks closer to Katie. "Sweetie, I wouldn't be caught dead in that truck of yours. That's why my father bought me a nice car; I'm way better than that."

Katie looked like she was going to walk away but something on her face changed.

She walks straight up to Stacy, crosses her arms, and looks right at her. To be fair Stacy has at least two inches of height on her, but Katie looks like she could take her down in a minute.

"Stacy, we both know who owns that car and it's not you. Your father only lets you drive that car because your brother couldn't take it with him to college."

"When your brother comes home at Christmas he will take his car back with him, and you'll be riding the bus to school."

Katie shifts her weight and gives Stacy a look of pity. "I think I would rather drive my beat-up truck than be the only senior riding the bus."

With that, she turns around and walks away.

"Oh and Stacy honey, maybe don't do your make-up in the car you can tell," Katie says over her shoulder.

Katie walks down the hall and around the corner leaving Stacy standing there wide-eyed with the whole school watching.

Damn, that girl is good, no one ever stands to Stacy like that, ever.

When I get to English class, I sit down and scroll through my phone to cool down.

Stacy Hemmings is the school's head cheerleader/mean girl and she bullies anyone who's in her way. Lucky me has been one of her targets since 9th grade.

Being raised with an older brother does have its benefits. Whenever Stacy tries her stuff,
I almost always have a comeback.

Today she got me, I normally say one thing and leave. But today I wanted to get her back, so I did it in front of everyone.

What I said was mean, but I was pissed, and I had little control over what I said. 

It felt good in the moment but now I feel like a total mean girl.

English is as boring as ever but luckily Mrs. Smith lets out early so I have plenty of time to get to my next class.

I get out into the hall, and it seems like every class let out early. Great, I'll probably run into Stacy and her clan.

I turn the corner to get to my locker and what do you know, Stacy and her clan are standing around Wyatt. I squeeze by and open my locker to grab my notebook.

I really don't understand their friend group.
All they do is gossip about everyone they think they're better than.

As I'm walking by, I feel someone's hand loop around my waist and pull me to their side.

What the hell?

????? Thoughts on who it is?

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