Chapter 56: A violent buzzing

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I wake up to a violent buzzing on my wrist. I see my watch flashing my alarm for 5:30 a.m.

When I try to sit up an arm pulls me against a firm chest and a nose snuggles into the back of my neck.

I slept amazing last night considering I slept on a truck bed.

And it had nothing to do with a certain boy.
Who am I kidding, Wyatt is the only reason I slept well.


"Wyatt, wake up," I whisper yell.

He doesn't move.

"Wyatt," I say louder.

He rolls over onto his back and pulls me so my head lays on his chest. His arm is wrapped around my side resting on my stomach.

Lord, I could get used to this.

"Five more minutes." Wyatt mumbles.

I giggle quietly. How can one man be super sexy and then utterly adorable?

I use my nails to pinch the skin on his hand.

He takes a sharp breath. "Let me sleep."

I grin. "Wyatt, if my father comes out of that trailer and sees us he will have a coronary embolism."

Wyatt's eyes open completely, I guess that woke him up.

He jumps up and off the truck bed. I sit up while laughing. "You should have seen your face it was priceless."

Wyatt scowls and runs his hand through his hair. His curls were sticking up everywhere and somehow it made him look even cuter.

I redo the top knot in my hair and help Wyatt fold up our blankets.

"Kate, why did you wake me up so early?" Wyatt asks in a deep sleepy voice.

"We have to feed the horses."

"Okay, but the thing doesn't start till nine. Don't you think it's a little early?" Wyatt says like a frustrated five-year-old.

"There are only two places to get water for the horses. I don't want to have to wait in line to get my horses water." I say.

Wyatt sighs. "But it's so early."

"I'm sorry I woke you from your beauty sleep, sweetie," I say in a sickeningly sweet voice.

Wyatt helps me feed and water the horses. Next, I hand him a pitchfork and we get to work on mucking out the stalls.

Once we're finished the barn is full of people.

Wyatt hands me his rake and mumbles, "Great, now everyone will see me in my pajama pants since someone couldn't wait two minutes for me to change."

I give Wyatt a grin. "I am deeply sorry for causing you this pain."

Wyatt smiles. "At least I look super sexy."

I roll my eyes and then I hear a familiar snarky voice.

"Nice outfit Flemings, I say you'll win first place in the lazy bum competition," Mackenzie yells.

At least she has better jabs than Stacy.

Before I can say my sarcastic comment about her cheating on her boyfriend, Wyatt wraps his arm around me.

"Good morning, I'm sorry I didn't catch your name," Wyatt says nicely.

McKenzie's mouth drops open like a fish.  "Who are you? I've never seen you around the rodeo circuit."

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