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Authors POV

Awww that fact I'm done with this book is heartbreaking.

To think seven months ago this was a small idea in the back of my head.

I posted my first chapter on January 5th, but I started writing this book in December of 2022.

I was so scared to post my book. Finally, about ten chapters in I worked up the courage to post them.

It took me a while to learn my wring style. I've gone back I don't know how many times to edit my first chapters.

In the beginning, I'm surprised people actually read them.

Anyway, enough reminiscing I have a few lovely people I would like to thank.

I would like like to thank:
For being the first people to vote and comment on my book. If it wasn't for y'all's sweet comments and votes I might have never written more than ten chapters lol.

I would like to thank Karen5125014 for always being the first person to read and vote on my chapters. Thank you for always saying your honest opinions!

Next, I would like to thank Storytellingdude871
for listening to all my complaining about recruiters for other ebook companies asking me to write for them lol. (I had the same girl reach out to me again!)

Also, thank you for being my friend and always checking in on me! Y'all definitely should check out his poems and short stories!!

I would like to thank JeremyLindsay for taking the time to read my stories and pointing out things that would make my story better!!

I look back and think "Why haven't I been doing that the whole time!" So thank you!!

I want to say a huge thank you to EliteWaffler for reading my story and commenting. Your comments would light up my day.

Not only did you read my book, but you helped me when I freaked out and almost changed my entire book. Thank you for all your support!!

Y'all check out her book!! It's called Again and it's an amazing read.

Lastly, I want to say thank you to my sister and brother for listening to all my rambling about my book.

A huge thank you to all the readers that finished my book. Without you, I wouldn't have finished.

I have a teeny tiny announcement!! 🌟💫

Well, drum roll pls......

I have another book called Well, I Just Screwed Up, with Izzy and Tyler as the main characters

Was anyone expecting that?!

It will take place right after they graduate and over the course of the summer before they start college.

I also have a book full of short stories about Katie and Wyatt. It would mean so much if you checked them out!

I am also starting another book called Failed Wishes with new characters. It is also an enemy lovers with a dash of fantasy and paranormal.

(And guys it has weekly updates!!)

Anyway, I said I would announce my favorite character so...
I love all my characters; they're like my children.

But, Tyler has a special place in my heart, with Wyatt as a close second.

At first, Tyler's character was a measly side character, but over time his personality grew.

Oh, also I will be posting a lot of short stories.
I have a few ideas, but if y'all have anything particular you would like to read let me know!

As always please leave all your thoughts and opinions and always feel free to reach out. I love reading your comments and messages.

(You never know your name may be posted in the acknowledgments of my next book!)

Thank y'all for all your love and support!!

Till next time!


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