Bouns: Because its Paint

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"Two more weeks, Babe!" Izzy yells shaking my shoulders.

I laugh as I pull open my locker. "Yep, then we are high school graduates."

Izzy frowns. "No, I'm cheering because exactly two weeks from today we're leaving for the beach."

I groan and pull Wyatt's sweatshirt over my shoulders. "I still can't believe you got me to agree."

Izzy grins like the Cheshire Cat. "Awe quit complaining, you know you want to go."

I slam my locker and pull at the sleeves of Wyatt's sweatshirt.

I never gave Wyatt his Vans sweatshirt back after we started dating.

I do make him wear it from time to time so it will smell like him.

And I may have stolen a few others.

What, when you become a girlfriend you're required to have at least one of your boyfriend's sweatshirts.

"I'm not that excited to spend a week with your idiotic, annoying boyfriend," I grumble.

Izzy slaps my shoulder before she opens her locker.

I look up and down the hall. "Hey Iz, where is everyone?"

Izzy's body stiffens for a half-second. If I didn't know her as well as I do I wouldn't have noticed it.

"Probably at lunch." Izzy stutters.

I place a hand on my hip. "Every person in this entire school is in the cafeteria?"

Izzy slams her locker. "Fine, I'll tell you why."

She turns to me and I quirk an eyebrow for her to continue. "Ryan is going to do his prom proposal and everyone is outside."

"Why didn't I know!" I huff.

Izzy rolls her eyes. "Ryan said it at lunch yesterday you must have not paid attention."

I fall into step beside her. "I feel like I would remember him saying that."

Izzy sighs. "You were probably too immersed with Wyatt."

I shove her shoulder. "Like you and Tyler don't do the same thing."

We round a corner. "Has Wyatt asked you to prom yet?"

"Nope, why does he need to? He's my boyfriend who else am I going to go with." I say.

Izzy dramatically sighs. "You are so un-romantic."

"I told him if he does a public proposal I will say no."

Izzy gives me a deadpan look. "Katie you're dating the quarterback, the most popular guy in school. People expect a proposal."

I shrug. "That's not my problem."

"You deserve a sweet proposal like Tyler did for me," Izzy says.

I smile. Three days ago we helped Tyler with his proposal.

I'll let the flashback do its job.

"Wyatt quit twitching you're messing up the paint." I snap.

Wyatt chuckles and I mess up the paint again.

"Wyatt." I hiss.

I take my finger and wipe the line of paint that's out of place.

"Why is it so cold?" Wyatt asks.

I give him a tired look, "Because it's paint."

Wyatt rolls his eyes and I paint on the dot to finish the question mark.

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