Chapter 7: Mad was an understatement

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Mad was an understatement, pissed didn't even come close to describing how I felt. What pushed me over the edge was that calm, goofy look on Wyatt's face.

"Well, sugar when were you going to tell me we're dating?" I ask.

"Look I'm-"

I interrupt him. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

I place my hands on my hips. "You can't grab someone and tell people, 'Oh yeah we've been dating for a few weeks'!"

"What was going through that thick skull when you said that?" I yell.

He sighs. "Look, I'm sorry, just let me explain."

I shake my head.

Explain what? This guy has serious problems.

"You better make it quick," I snap.

"Stacy has been trying to get a date with me and I keep telling her I don't feel the same way, but she never listens."

He pauses for a breath. "When I saw you walking by, I figured if she thought were dating she would leave me alone."

"Oh okay. Maybe warn the next girl beforehand," I say with sarcasm dripping from my voice.

Why the hell did he feel the need to drag me into his problems?

"Seriously, you didn't think about how this lie could affect me. Now everyone thinks we're dating!" I yell.

I don't think I've ever been this mad. Anger is radiating off me.

He looks at the ground. "I didn't think you would mind. Most girls would love to say they're dating me even if it was a lie."

Oh, this man wants a black eye.

"Well Wyatt, I guess I'm not a normal girl because I'm not that pathetic," I say dryly.

I wave my hands in front of my face. "You know what, I don't have time for this. Have a nice life."

My hand is on the door handle when he says, "Stacy will never believe we actually dated." 

I turn around. "Tell her we broke up."

He shakes his head. "It won't work, she'll never let either of us live it down."

I put my hands on my hips. "What do you suppose we do then, Einstein."

He looks at his hands for a few seconds then his eyes light up.

"We pretend to date each other for two or three weeks then we have a public breakup." I think he's hit his head one too many times playing football.

"Really that's all you could come up with."
I say with as much sarcasm as possible.

He just rolls his eyes. "It's perfect! Stacy will move on because she can't have me."

I've never had a boyfriend before and I didn't want my first one to be fake, hell I hadn't even had my first kiss till now.

"What would I get out of this fake relationship?"

He spreads his arms out. "You'll get to experience what it's like to date the star quarterback."

He can't be serious right now.

I don't think my eyes can roll far enough into my head to get my feelings across.

The bell rings signaling to me that I have four minutes till class. Thank God!

"Unfortunately I'm not on the same level of crazy you are, so I'm going to have to pass on that offer," I say.

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