A Day in New Orleans

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Chapter Four

I hugged Stefan happily as he arrived at my place. No one in the house but me. Tyler went out somewhere and mom was working as usual. Today was the Miss Mystic Falls Court. And Stefan Salvatore was my date. He broke up with Elena so he's not going with her. He also spilled his guts about her admitting she has feelings for Damon.

I didn't really need a date for today but I felt left out since everyone else had one. Elena technically didn't but we all know she had Damon. Hayley even convinced Tyler to go with since Caroline agreed to go with Klaus, both things I was informed of by Tyler. Glad I wasn't stupid enough to ask him to be my date. Too bad I was stupid for kissing him all yesterday.

"Ready to go? You look amazing," he complimented me. I smiled while bulshing. I slowly nodded my head, taking a deep breath. He grabbed my hand and led me to his gorgeous red car. I climbed inside and relaxed. I wasn't ready to show up knowing there was going to be some drama no doubt.

"So Klaus convinced me to get Jeremy to kill more vampires to complete the mark for the map," Stefan said and I nodded. "I wasn't supposed to tell you that but I did."

"Well, thanks. I'll be on your side through this and I won't let Klaus know that I know," I assured and he nodded, chuckling softly.

When we arrived they had just announced that April Young won the contest. We both clapped for her and I grabbed us both drinks as some guy walked by with some. I handed one to Stefan and he took it slowly, his eyes on something else. Or someone else. I followed his gaze to see Elena. She was rushing after Jeremy. I chugged my glass then took his out of his hand and took a small sip. "Go, I gotta get myself drunk," I told him and Stefan smiled, kissing my cheek while I giggled.

"You're are the absolute best," he said before running off after Elena.


I was sitting down alone drinking of course. Stefan soon joined me and took my glass chugging it. I raised an eyebrow and he sighed. "Elena doesn't want the cure if it means that Jeremy might lose his humanity with killing vampires. She doesn't want me to 'fix' her. I think this all may be for nothing but I can't--I can't just..." he sighed, grabbing another drink quickly and taking big gulps.

"Can't give up on her," I finished, patting his hand gently. He sighed and we soon decided to leave. We headed to my place and I poured him another drink. "So why are you drinking so hardcore today?" He asked me.

"I kissed Klaus yesterday. We were about to sleep together. My phone rings and he wants to keep going while I'm speaking to Tyler. His phone rings and he's off me and we're leaving Italy after spending an amazing day together. And with all that crap I forgot Tyler mentioned a long while ago that Klaus has a thing for Caroline. So that's why I'm drinking," I answered, grabbing the whole body and taking a large gulp.

"Okay. You need to be sober if you're going around kissing Klaus," he joked.

"Ugh, I told him he'd have to get me drunk for me to admit all the things I liked about him," I sighed, pulling my hair down from its nice bun. Stefan sighed and sat next to me on the couch, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"He's so not worth it. And Caroline is dating your brother. Klaus is convinced that Hayley and Tyler hooked up when he was away. Caroline believed it but Tyler explained that she helped break the bond and Klaus doesn't know that. So they're all putting up false pretenses that Hayley and Tyler have a thing and that Tyler and Caroline are broken up so Klaus thinks he has a chance," Stefan explained.

"That's the thing! He likes her. Not me. What is wrong with me? Why do I even care? I barely know the guy. He's made your life a living hell and not to mention Tyler's," I scoffed in disbelief, drinking more.

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