Mystic Falls Reunion

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Chapter Twenty-Four

I was grinning as I squeezed Klaus' hand, waiting for someone to open the front door. It slowly opened, revealing my mother. "Allie," she gasped, pulling me into a hug. "Oh, my. Look at your belly."

"I know. It's growing," I laughed. She then turned and looked at Klaus.

"Hello, Carol," Klaus greeted politely.

"Klaus," she smiled, hugging him next. I smiled happily and she let us in. We headed to the living room and she offered us something to drink or eat. "Please tell me you have pickles. I've been wanting them all day," I told her.

"Yes, it's true. She whined the whole car ride here," Klaus frowned and I gaped at him.

"Hey!" I pouted and he chuckled, wrapping an arm aorund my shoulder from his spot next to me on the couch.

"I think we do have pickles. Do you want something to drink?" She asked.

"Water, please," I answered.

"I'll just help myself to the scotch," Klaus said, kissing the side of my head before getting up. He walked across the room to make himself a drink while my mother headed to the kitchen.

"How excited are you about the baby?" I grinned.

"Very. It was amazing, love. We'll be sure to go back in a month," he answered and I nodded.

"Good. I want to know what we're having," I squealed. He chuckled and nodded in agreement. Today, Klaus and I headed to Mystic Falls. Why? Damon called and said Katherine was dying. Klaus couldn't pass up seeing her on her death bed. We just got here though and our first visit was to my mom.

We also finally got another doctor's appointment. God, Klaus' face was breath taking. Tears were in his eyes as we saw the sonogram and the sound of our baby's rapid heart beat filled the room. A smile lit his face and he looked at me with so much happiness. We were really happy about our miracle baby.

My mother soon joined us again and we all talked. Mom was busy as usual running the town. It seemed the town had to continue dealing with Silas after we left. Mom said that Tyler left town a little after he came back from visiting me. "Love, Rebekah says she just got to town," Klaus interrupted me for a second.

"Finally," I replied. Rebekah stated she was going to head to Mystic Falls later today because she wanted to see Matt.

"Problem. Katherine had a daughter, obviously continuing the lineage that led to Elena, but the daughter showed up to town awhile ago to meet Katherine. Anyways, the girl apparently buried Matt inside of a safe on the Salvatore's property so everyone is looking for him," he added and I gasped.

"What?" I frowned. "We have to find him."

"I know, love. We need to go. He doesn't have his ring so he can die," Klaus told me.

"Mom, I'm sorry. We'll say bye to you later, I promise. But we have to go find Matt," I said to her and she nodded. She hugged me and wished us luck so we left.


Klaus and I met with Rebekah at the Salvatore's. We split up to go find Matt. Klaus had me on his back as he ran with his vampire speed through the woods. He stopped and we happened to be looking at Caroline. "Klaus," Caroline breathed.

"Allie," I coughed awkwardly. "Yeah, hi nice to see you too."

"Hi," she said with a small smile to me. It was forced but whatever. "Sorry. Matt's buried alive. No time to chat."

Then she vanished. Thank you. Klaus looked up at me and I gave him a sharp glare. "I'm not interested in being in her company. Let's find Matt," I told him.

Taming The Hybrid (TVD. Klaus Mikaelson)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora