Meeting Marcel

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~So I can't sleep so here's this. Important message at the bottom, please read, about starting another fanfic. Anyways, read away!

Chapter Thirteen

Klaus and I managed to find the car. We also went out to breakfast. Klaus decided to be the sweetest boyfriend ever though. "We could go baby shopping," Klaus told me.

"You have a date with Marcel," I said.

"Fine, we'll go together. He's bound to meet my girlfriend sometime," he shrugged.

"You're really gonna let me go with you," I squealed and he smiled.

"Of course," he said and I grinned. He then started the car again and began the drive. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly. We drove for awhile and then my phone buzzed.

"My brother graduates tomorrow," I told Klaus.

"Yeah?" He asked uninterested.

"Yes," I stated.

"Sorry, we can't go, love."

"Your not sorry. And you're going for me. I want you to get a picture of him and bring it back to me. I also want you to sit him and my mother down and tell them I'm having a baby and explain that I can't visit them until the baby is born," I told him and he scoffed.

"Wait. You're serious?"

"Yes, can you handle that? My brother is not gonna be happy to see you. But seriously, babe, it would mean the world to me," I stated.

"Fine. You can iron my suit. I'll go to the graduation," he sighed and I smiled. He rolled his eyes and continued the drive.


Klaus and I walked into some small place playing music. It looked like a cafe but I wasn't sure. "Well, this is a far cry from last night's party," Klaus said as we walked in.

He moved over and dropped my hand, grabbing a chair and pulling it up to a table where some guy was already sitting. Klaus offered me the chair across from the man and I took it while he sat in between us. "Whose this?" the guy asked.

"Allison, my girlfriend," Klaus stated boldly, grabbing my hand and holding it over the table.

"Ah. Marcel," he stated, putting out a hand to me. I shook it hesitantly and then he beckoned over a waitress who brought over a glass for Klaus. "Give the lady one," Marcel said.

"She's a bad drunk," Klaus said, stopping the waitress as she went to give me a glass. Marcel chuckled and the lady filled up Klaus' glass. She walked off and I saw Klaus staring at something that was behind the waitress. "Ahh. In pursuit of the bartender from Rousseau's, I see," Klaus said and I raised an eyebrow.

"She's a work in progress," Marcel replied and I sat back, playing with Klaus' fingers on the hand that I held.

"And yet here you are, pining over her when you should be eating her for lunch."

"I could say the same to you," Marcel smirked, looking at me and I glared back at him.

"I'm not a snack," I told them both. "And neither is that chick just because we're human."

"As I was saying. She must be special," Klaus told him, squeezing my hand. "I know this one is to me." I blushed and looked away from his intense gaze.

"Business first. The coroner called," Marcel said, changing the subject. "He's got my number in case any dead tourists show up." He then glanced at me.

Taming The Hybrid (TVD. Klaus Mikaelson)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora