Back in New Orleans

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Chapter Eleven

"What do you want, Nik?" Rebekah asked. Klaus had just called her and has her on speaker. He was pacing by the fireplace and I was sitting on the couch, flipping through a magazine in boredom. He had ordered us pizza, which I wanted so depserately.

"An update on our search for the elusive cure," Klaus replied.

"Let's just say that things have gotten complicated. In fact, why don't you speak to one of those complications? Here," Rebekah said. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. A complication? I'm guessing it's a person.

"Complication speaking," someone else's voice came through the phone. It was a man's voice. It was deep and authorative. It may have held an accent. Not too strong though. I looked at Klaus to see a wide grin on his face before he let out a breathless chuckle.

"Big brother," Klaus greeted and I rasied my eyebrows. His older brothers were Finn and Elijah if I'm not mistaken. Finn was dead so that left Elijah. I so had to meet him! I met Klaus' only other living sibling, Rebekah so I needed to meet Elijah too. Klaus did say that me and him would probably get along.

"At last, you joined the fray," Klaus continued his greeting.

"Somebody had to take charge," Elijah replied. "Now that I have, I've got the cure and I'm bringing it back to Mystic Falls."

"With a long list of demands, I assume," Klaus said, a now bitter smile on his face.

"Not that long."

"Come home, brother," Klaus said, smiling sweetly again. "We'll settle this like family. And oh, I have someone for you to meet. You'll love her."

"Who?" Elijah asked.

"You'll find out once you get here. I'm sure sister, could fill you in though," Klaus said before hanging up. I smiled at Klaus as he put his phone in his pocket. He then pulled me to my feet and spun me around. "Thank you again for today," he said.

"It's no problem. It's my job to be here for you, even when no else is," I told him, pulling him down to kiss him.

"I'm going to say this quickly while I'm still in a good mood. Call your brother, he can come back home. I know how much you miss him. You crying a whole night over him is not going to happen again," he said, chuckling.

"Really?" I squealed, not even caring about the fact he was teasing me for crying.

"Really. Call him before pizza gets here. I want you to myself before our families show up," he said and I ran off to call Tyler, leaving him a long voicemail since he refused to answer the phone. I then texted Matt to try and get in touch with him since Ty did leave the deed to the house to them. I figured they could still be in touch.

Once I was done making that effort I was forced to sit at the dining table Klaus and I made out on the other night. He lit a few candles and served us both slices of pizza. And then he told me countless of stories about him and Elijah growing up and over the last few years.


So it's been over a week. About 8 or 9 days. I only know since I was counting with Damon and Stefan how many days since Elena killed someone. And she last killed someone the night before they came back to Mystic Falls. The same night I told Tyler to come home.

I've had the pleasure of meeting Elijah, Klaus' older brother. We got along just fine. He has the cure and well, the problem is both Rebekah and Klaus want it. So he's stuck deciding what to do with it.

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