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I woke up to the ringing sound of my alarm. I didn't want to get up, as I only had 4 hours of sleep because I had worked a night shift at the convenience store.

I looked at the time to realize that it was already 7:30am, classes start at 8am. I hurried up, not like I would be late but I didn't want to go to class alone, considering my best friend, Chaeryeong, usually goes to the classroom around 7:45am. I got up and made my bed, making sure it was neat before grabbing my uniform and going to the bathroom.

I hate school uniforms mainly because they had to include a skirt, but I don't really have a choice if I don't want to get in trouble with the student president. I grabbed a mocha bread before heading out to school.

I left my apartment at 7:40am, I rode my bike to school, as usual. When I got there, I could see Chaeryeong waiting for me at the cafeteria, along with Yuna. Yuna is 2 years younger than me and Chaeryeong, we got to know each other because she needed help finding her classroom on her first day and we just started hanging out ever since.

When I stepped into the cafeteria, Yuna immediately hugged me, as if she hasn't seen me for a year. We dropped Yuna to her classroom before going to ours.

Class was boring, as usual. It was Mathematics, what did u expect. Despite having good grades for this class, I've never really found any interest in it.

After the teacher left, the students started talking, gossiping and walking around as if a teacher wouldn't walk in any second.

Chaeryeong and I would usually talk about some random stuff that came to our mind at the moment.

Soon after, a knock was heard at the door, causing the students to return to their seats and stay quiet. The door opened revealing the student president, Hwang Yeji.

Seeing that there was no teacher inside, she spoke, "Is Shin Ryujin here?"

Surprised, I raised my hand.

"Follow me"

Nodding, I got up. Tugging on my hand, Chaeryeong whispered "You better tell me what happened or I won't accompany you to class anymore."

Knowing how much I hated walking alone, I sighed "Yeah yeah."

I followed Yeji to the head mistress's office, wondering why she would want to see me. I hadn't done anything wrong.

Yeji knocked on the door and opened it.

The head mistress smiled at me, gesturing for me to sit down.

"Do you know why I wanted to see you?"she spoke.

"Not really" I replied.

She chuckled."Ryujin, you are our school's best basketball athlete and your grades are average, but you're lacking in Science and English, two of the most important subjects."

I nodded. I've always been bad at those subjects.

"I believe that you can get into one of the most prestigious universities if you're able to improve in those two subjects."

"How do I improve?" I replied, it sounded rude but it was a genuine question. I've never been good at Science and English, plus, I'm already 17, isn't it a little too late to improve?

She chuckled at my question, "Well, I've talked to your teachers, and we agreed that we should get you a tutor."

"As in going to tuition?" I know it's a stupid question, but my brain was empty at the time.

"No, I mean I will get one of the students from the school to tutor you."

"Who's that?" I asked.

"The student president, Hwang Yeji. She does great in those subjects, according to her teachers, so it shouldn't be a problem. I'm sure she's good at explaining as well." She said. "Both of you will have to make your own schedule."

"But" I said. "I have night shift." The head mistress knows about my condition, I have to make money to pay my rent, bills and feed myself.

"Oh, about that." She said. "Seoul National University has sponsored you, in hopes that you will be able to improve in those you are lacking and be able to join them."

I was surprised. Why would SNU sponsor me?

"You will receive pocket money every week until you graduate, starting from today. So, you don't have to worry about your job. Of course, it's your choice if you want to continue your job, but I hope you will accept the tutor, or find other ways to improve." She said. "Take some time to consider. You can tell me about your decision at lunch."

With that, she dismissed me back to my class.

When I got back to my class, my English teacher has already started his lesson.

Knocking, I entered the classroom. Knowing where I've been, he nodded at me to go back to my seat.

Once I sat down, Chaeryeong immediately bombarded me with questions, "Where did she take you?"

"Head mistress's office."

"Omg, what did she say? Did you get in trouble?"

I sighed, "I'll tell you at lunch, Ryeong."

"You better."

Chuckling, I started to think about the offer. Maybe a tutor doesn't sound so bad. Although I've never really talked to Hwang Yeji before, she doesn't seem to be that bad of a person.

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