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Yeji woke up to the sound of Ryujin's alarm clock ringing from her bedroom.

She had completely forgotten that she slept on Ryujin's couch, the girl's body still on top of hers.

Yeji tapped Ryujin's back, "Ryujin, wake up" she said softly.

After a few seconds, Ryujin opened her eyes, her vision still blurry. She realized that she was laying atop another body, her head shot up and her eyes met with Yeji's.

"Sorry" Ryujin apologized after getting up. "Is your back sore?" She asked. She was blushing, not knowing whether it was from embarrassment or because she slept on top of the girl she started to develop feelings for.

"It's fine" Yeji insisted, blushing just as much as the other girl.

"Why didn't you go home?" Ryujin asked, yawning soon after.

"You wouldn't let me" Yeji replied.

That made Ryujin blush even harder. "You could've just left me here" she said.

"I'm not that heartless" Yeji dramatically said, making Ryujin chuckle.

"You're gonna be late if you don't go home now" Ryujin said, looking at the clock.

"Right. I'll see you later" Yeji said, rushing towards the door.


Weeks went by smoothly after that. Yeji and Ryujin became close friends, their feelings still unknown to the other.

The basketball team has a basketball tournament in a week. Their coach, Mrs Park, had been giving them extra training, making sure they're ready for the tournament.

Ryujin was really exhausted that week. Having to go to her job at the convenience after practice was exhausting. On the days she didn't have to go to her job, she had tutoring sessions with Yeji. She wouldn't complain about it, she liked Yeji's company but she was too tired to study.

"Are you sure you're okay? You seem really tired these days" Yeji asked as she sits on the couch.

"I am. Mrs Park has been making us practice almost every weekday. It's exhausting" Ryujin replied.

"We won't have the tutoring lessons then. You can do whatever you want, I'll just stay here so I don't get questioned when I go back" Yeji said, making Ryujin chuckle.

Ryujin dozed off minutes after their last conversation, letting Yeji do whatever she wants in her apartment.

Yeji eventually got bored as she had already been there dozens of times. She was scrolling through her phone, occasionally staring at Ryujin's sleeping state before carrying on with her business.

She got hungry so she went to find some food in Ryujin's kitchen.

There were ingredients, but Yeji doesn't know how to cook. Well the last time she tried didn't turn out quite well. So she ordered food online instead.

When the food arrived, the delivery man rung the doorbell, causing a loud ring to echo in the apartment.

Yeji looked at Ryujin, fortunately, she didn't wake up. She was too tired from practice and work.

Yeji took the food from the delivery man. She noticed he was looking at her weirdly, as if checking her out, before chickening out and walking off. She shrugged it off and shut the door.

When she turned around, she realized Ryujin was standing behind her. "Jesus!" She exclaimed.

"Ooo what's that?" Ryujin said, grabbing the plastic from Yeji's hands. She couldn't help but notice how Ryujin seemingly brushed their hands on purpose. Was it on accident or on purpose?

"Chinese food" Yeji replied. "I got hungry"

They chatted while eating the food Yeji ordered. It was pretty decent, just not spicy enough for Ryujin's taste.

"This isn't spicy enough " Ryujin commented.

"Not everyone can handle spice like you" Yeji defended. "It's okay"

They continued to talk until Yeji's driver arrived.

"I'll go now, see you tomorrow" Yeji said before grabbing her things, heading out the door.

Tomorrow's a Friday, the last weekday of the week, which meant the last day the basketball team has to practice before their tournament next Monday.

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