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Yeji POV

"Out of the way!"

"Ma'am you'll have to wait here" Someone told me before going into the room.

How could this have happened? Why did this happen? How did this start?

Everything happened in a flash. She was just fine this morning and now she's in the operation room. No one knew what happened, but it required operation.

How could this happen to such a precious human being?

"Unnie..." I heard Chaeryeong call as she hugged me.

I plopped down on the chair, silently crying into her embrace.

What if she doesn't make it? I don't know what else to do.


Chaeryeong POV

Yeji is a strong person. But seeing her cry like this, she really loves Ryu.

I know Ryujinnie will make it. She's stronger than she looks. She'd be exhausted and still keep a smile on her face.

"She'll be ok, unnie" I reassured the older girl, gently patting her back.

She just continued sobbing. I don't even care if my shirt is wet, Ryujin would kill me if she found out I didn't comfort her girlfriend.

"Yeji unnie.." Yuna whispered, hugging her from the other side. "Ryujin unnie is strong, she'll be ok"

"What if she's not? What will I do?" Yeji questioned out loud.

"Well she's gonna make it, believe in her" I reassured her.



"She'll most likely be fine, she needs some rest" The doctor informed the three girls before leaving.

They were outside of the room as they weren't allowed to go in.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't make it earlier, is she ok?!" Winter asked after reaching the three, still panting for air.

"The doctor said she'll be fine..." Yeji replied, still sniffling.

Winter sat down beside the girl and hugged her, letting her cry it all out.

Soon after, a nurse came out of the room.

"Her condition is stabilized now, u may enter the room" She said.

Yeji immediately got up and went into the room, sitting on the chair next to the hospital bed.

She held her girlfriend's hand, feeling the cold temperature of her body.

"We haven't even been a month..." The woman whispered.

She rested her arm on the bed, laying her head on it and slowly drifted to sleep with her other hand caressing Ryujin's.


"Yeddeong..." The woman heard a faint but familiar voice call her.

She quickly opened her eyes, looking up at her girlfriend.

"Ryuddaeng!" She exclaimed softly, hugging the girl's shoulders.

Ryujin wrapped her weak arms around Yeji's waist, gently squeezing them.

"I'll go get the doctor" Yeji said, leaving a peck on the girl's forehead.

Soon after, the doctor arrived and requested to have a private chat with Ryujin.

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