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"What does he mean by 'this time'?" Yeji asked.

"Let's just say, it's not the first time this has happened" Ryujin replied.

"So how many times has this happened exactly?" Yeji was concerned.

"I don't know" Ryujin responded. "I never really counted"

"Too many times for you to count or did he threaten you to not tell anyone?" Yeji asked, yet again.

"The second one" Ryujin replied nonchalantly.

"Well you're telling me all about it" Yeji said.

"I can't really" Ryujin replied. "But if you really want to know, promise not to tell anyone, or even let him notice"

"Promise." Yeji said.

"I'll tell you about it after school" Ryujin said.

"But I thought-" Yeji was in the middle of her sentence when Ryujin cut her off. "It's my day off today"

"Oh" Yeji said. "Why can't you tell me now though?"

"Isn't really the safest. You know, Beomgyu has his 'thugs' everywhere" Ryujin replied.

"How do you know?" Yeji asked.

"It's not hard. If they're acting all high and mighty then they're probably in Beomgyu's group."

Yeji snickered.

"Or if they're bullying some random kid for money as if their own parents don't give it to them" Ryujin continued.

"Maybe their parents really don't" Yeji suggested.

"Trust me, I've seen them before, once actually. They're fucking rich" Ryujin said, whispering the last part.

"Ryujin!" Yeji whisper-yelled.

"Sorry, couldn't help it" Ryujin apologized.

Before they knew it, they had already reached Ryujin's classroom.

"I'll get going now. See you after school" Yeji said as she left.

When Yeji entered her class, she was immediately bombarded with questions by Lia and Lisa.

"So what happened??" Lisa asked.

"Beomgyu was beating up a student again" Yeji replied.

"Who was it???" Lia asked curiously.

"Shin Ryujin" Yeji replied.

"Shin Ryu- WHAT?!" Lisa whisper-yelled.

"Your ace?" Yeji said.

"Oh I'm gonna kill that boy" Lisa said, cracking her knuckles.

Lisa was probably the most protective of her players, after Jeongyeon, of course.

"Calm down, she just got a few cuts and bruises, that's all"

"And how many is 'a few'?" Lisa asked, eyes filled with anger.

"Was I supposed to count?" Yeji asked back.

Lisa was about to snap when Lia intervened.

"Alright, alright stop stop stop" Lia said. "Why don't you just go see her later" Lia said to Lisa.

"I'll go see her now" Lisa said before standing up and heading out the door.

Yeji and Lia just watched. They knew they couldn't stop Lisa when she's furious.

"What if she tells Jeongyeon" Lia said, out of the blue.

"Welp. Guess Beomgyu's dead" Yeji replied.

Lia chuckled. The teacher came in soon after.

"Where's Manoban?" The teacher asked.

"She went to the washroom" Lia lied.

"Alright then" the teacher said before starting her lesson.

With Lisa

She ran towards Ryujin's class, peeking through the window to check if there are any teachers inside.

Fortunately, there weren't.

Lisa opened the door and signalled Ryujin to come out. The class like a zoo so no one really noticed her.

Ryujin walked towards Lisa, already knowing what she was going to say.

"I'm perfectly fine" Ryujin said.

"Shin, there's a cut on your neck" Lisa said.

"It's just a cut" Ryujin insisted.

"What's Beomgyu's class again?" Lisa asked.

"Why would I know" Ryujin replied.

"You're literally in the same year" Lisa said.

"All I know is you'll probably see him at the lockers beating people up again after school" Ryujin said.

"Now, how do you know that?" Lisa asked.

"How do you think I survive here" Ryujin said nonchalantly. "It's your geography class now right?"

"Yeah?" Lisa seemed confused.

"I saw your teacher-" Ryujin wasn't able to finish her sentence before Lisa ran off. "Rude"

Lisa reached her class to see that her geography teacher was indeed in class.

"Fuck" she whispered under her breath.

"You spent quite a long time in the washroom" her teacher said.

"Stomachache" Lisa said, offering a smile.

"Well, go to your seat" her teacher said before returning her smile.

She might be Lisa's new favorite teacher now.

(I'm stuck at my aunt's house :D
Send help )

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