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Morning classes went as usual. It is currently lunch time and the cafeteria seems to be busier than usual.

"Well, everyone's here" Ryujin stated.

"We literally get to skip class after this, I love it already" Winter added. The chosen players for the tournament got to skip class for practice, which of course includes Jeongyeon, Lisa, Chaeyoung, Ryujin, Chaeryeong, Winter, Heejin, Hyunjin and so on.

"Make sure you eat just enough so you don't puke later" Jeongyeon reminded the girls.

"Ok mom" Heejin teased.

"Hello fellow humans" Hyunjin greeted as she sat down next to Heejin.

"Where's Ryeong?" Lisa asked.

"Washroom. With Yuna" Ryujin replied.

"Yah! Why'd you leave us?" Chaeryeong asked, a little angry.

"The washroom smells bad okay" Ryujin defended.

"That smell came from the boys washroom" Chaeryeong said.

"Still" Ryujin replied.

"Alright alright stop arguing. We have practice later, don't ruin the mood." Jeongyeon intervened.

"Oh Yeji wanted me to return this to you" Lisa said, handing Ryujin her notebook. "She said she accidentally took it home yesterday"

"Thanks" Ryujin said, remembering how the delivery man stared at Yeji. How she the delivery man ran off after seeing Ryujin's death glare.


"50 more to go!" Coach Park yelled.

"50? I thought it was 30" Chaeryeong complained.

They were doing three-point shoots. It's not really tiring, it's just that you have to get your own ball back after shooting, which makes it more exhausting than it has to be.

After completing their never ending three-point shoots, they had to do full court layups, which is even more tiring.

"Coach, we still have to do passing practice" Jeongyeon reminded.

"Right, thank you for reminding me" Coach Park thanked. "Everyone get in teams of three"

Of course, they got into their regular teams, Jeongyeon, Lisa and Chaeyoung are a team, Ryujin, Chaeryeong and Winter in another, leaving Heejin and Hyunjin to team up with others.

"I'm gonna have to switch up your teams, you won't be playing with the same people every quarter." Coach Park said.

They weren't quite disappointed, everyone there were good players.

The new teams are Jeongyeon, Ryujin and Winter, Lisa, Chaeryeong and Hyunjin, Chaeyoung, Heejin and Soyeon, and the rest are a team.

The practice started with Jeongyeon passing the ball to Ryujin, Ryujin passing to Winter, then back to Jeongyeon who passed back to Ryujin. Ryujin made a layup shot and ended their first lap.

"Nice shot" Winter applauded.

"Yeah, you could never" Ryujin started.

"We'll see about that" Winter said before going to the right side of the court.

The practice went on with Ryujin and Winter being competitive, as always.

When practice ended, they all packed their things and got ready to leave the school.

"I can't wait to go home and sleep" Lisa commented.

"Good for you I guess" Ryujin said as she walked next to the girl.

"Can't you just take a day off?" Lisa asked.

"Nope" Ryujin said, popping the 'p'. "I'm already taking two days off next week. If I take a day off now, I'll just be broke"

"Fair point" Lisa replied. "Why don't you just ask Yeji for help? I'm sure she's more than willing" Lisa said with a smirk.

"That'll just make her think I'm using her" Ryujin replied. "I mean, I'm not doing too bad now. I've been doing this since I was 14"

"It's bad for your mental health" Lisa said.

"I don't seem to be suicidal" Ryujin replied.

"That's not what I- oh my god you're a dumbass" Lisa sighed.

"I did fail Science once" Ryujin replied.

"I can see why" Lisa remarked.


"You look dead" Yeji commented as she placed a few packs of snacks on the counter.

"I am" Ryujin replied.

"Well, you better rest up during the weekend. Don't want to mess the game up" Yeji suggested.

"I literally have to come back here on Sunday" Ryujin said.

"Oops, sorry" Yeji apologized. "Seriously though, you look like you're gonna blow this place up if you stay here any longer"

"I wish I could" Ryujin replied.

Just then the bell rang, indicating that a customer had came in.

"Having a date?" Lisa said.

"Please shut the fuck up" Ryujin said, eliciting a chuckle from Lisa.

Meanwhile Yeji, she had accepted the fact that she can't stop Ryujin nor Lisa from swearing. She just gave up.

"Why the fuck does a bottle of coke cost 1600 won" Lisa questioned as she placed in on the counter.

"I don't put the price" Ryujin replied as she scanned the barcode.

"Here's a tip" Lisa said as she put some money on the counter.

"You need something? 'cause I refuse to believe you're actually being nice" Ryujin said.

"No, you just seem to be getting skinnier" Lisa replied. "Right?" She asked as she turned to Yeji.

"I can see it" Yeji replied, putting a few chips into her mouth.

"I literally eat bread for lunch, what do you expect?" Ryujin asked.

"I expect you to eat something more nutritious than bread" Lisa replied.

"Like?" Ryujin asked.

"I don't know, rice?" Lisa replied.

"Still carbohydrates" Ryujin replied.

"At least it's better than bread" Lisa defended. "Right? Miss tutor?"

"What kind of name is that" Yeji commented. "And stop dragging me into your bickering"

"I just thought you felt left out" Lisa teased.

"I am so done with you" Yeji said as she slapped some money on the table and left.

"Bye, I guess" Ryujin said as Yeji walked out.

( If you don't understand the passing practice part basically it's what my coach would call 四传(don't bother translating that). So basically you have to pass the ball 4 times before reaching the hoop, but I also included 传左跑右 which means if you pass to left then run right, or the other way around)

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