Chapter Twenty-One

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"Ah you did so well! The way you stabbed him in the chest! It was magnificent!" Wheaton exclaimed as he knelt down beside me and lifted up my chin with his hand. I stared into his eyes as I continued to sob. "Now, no need to cry, my love. You simply decided that the man should die, then you followed through. Your will to kill overcame his will to live. Isn't that just an amazing feeling?" he said, kissing the tears off my face.

I didn't feel amazing at all. I felt more hopeless and lost than I ever had. What was I going to do? I'm a murderer! How am I any better than Wheaton? To say I felt despair would be the understatement of the century. I looked down at the crimson blood that coated my hands. I had chosen my mother and Quinn over this man, and his blood would forever be on my hands, no matter how many times I washed them. How could I live with this? It would have been better if Wheaton had killed me a long time ago! My continued existence not only endangered the people I love, but it caused nothing but pain and misery to those unlucky enough to cross my cursed path.

"Hey, earth to Reyna," Wheaton said, snapping in front of my face. I took in a shaky breath, still crying uncontrollably. This was all Wheaton's fault! If he hadn't taken me all those months ago, I wouldn't have become a murderer. If he had never been born, all these people would still be alive.

"I hate you," I cried, shoving his face away from me. I curled up into a ball and trembled with tears. I just wanted it all to stop! The killing, the maiming, the rape. All of it was too much! I couldn't take it anymore!

"Stop your crying!" Wheaton yelled as he stood up and loomed over me. "I'm telling you, you have no reason to cry!" He grabbed onto my upper arm and wrenched me into a chair. "Stay here or I'll tie you to it," he ordered. I wiped my eyes and bit my trembling lip. What more could he possibly have planned? My gaze wandered to the now very dead man whose body slumped against his restraints. His face was frozen in a state of shock and fear. His eyes seemed to meet mine, and I knew this sight would haunt me for the rest of my life.

"Hey, eyes on me. He's dead now so ignore that bastard," Wheaton barked. I flicked my gaze over to Wheaton who was leaning on the back of the chair the woman was tied to. She was still gagged, but she didn't have a bag over her head. She saw the whole thing, and she was petrified.

"I've got one more thing to do, and then I'll be satisfied," Wheaton sighed.

"W-what is that?" I stuttered, and Wheaton flashed me a smile.

"It's something that will make this whore regret ever yelling at you," he said and I felt my stomach drop.

"No! Please don't do anything more! I'm fine, really. I don't care anymore!" I cried, but Wheaton just shook his head.

"Now now, no need to lie or hold back. I know whatever she said upset you, and for that, she should be punished," Wheaton said, walking over to the shelves of buckets and grabbing a glass bottle filled with some kind of liquid.

"Please don't do this!" I pleaded and jumped up from my chair, but Wheaton shot daggers at me until I sank back down.

"Don't pretend you aren't looking forward to seeing her suffer," he said, swirling the bottle around teasingly.

"Haven't you done enough?" I bawled. "I don't want this!" I didn't know exactly what was in that bottle, but I had a pretty good guess.

"Really? You don't want me to do it?" Wheaton said as he lowered the bottle. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Yes! Please don't!" I wailed. Wheaton smirked.

"Well, the problem is, I really want to do this," he chuckled as he poured the contents of the bottle on the woman's head. I was right, it was some kind of acid. It ate away at her hair and her face until they were nothing but red, bleeding messes. The scream she emitted was soul shattering.

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