Chapter Twenty-Nine

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While we were out I caught people staring at me. As we passed in the street, the people waiting in line, the cashier all goggled at me with wide eyes. I couldn't blame them. The cuts on my face that I had gotten from the car crash weren't healed fully yet and my right arm was in a cast. Thankfully my long sleeves and pants hid my restraint scars, but I still looked pretty beat up. Not to mention, my face had been plastered on every newspaper and newscast for the past week.

Their gazes nauseated me, and I began to regret going out in public. I must have looked pale because Quinn whispered to me when we were waiting for our orders.

"Are you doing alright?" she asked. I tried to swallow the bile threatening to come up my throat. I just nodded quickly, but Quinn didn't look convinced. "Look, if you want we can just leave."

"No," I said firmly. I really wanted that bubble tea. It's not like I couldn't handle a little anxiety. I'd been in a state of near panic for more than a year. I could manage buying a drink. But when our order was called I grabbed the tea with shaking hands and almost dropped it.

"Careful," Quinn said as she helped steady my drink with her free hand. "Here, let me carry both of them." I nodded and followed her back outside, back to the gawking throngs. Sensing my increasing agitation, Quinn hurried us back home to her apartment. I drank my bubble tea greedily as we put on a movie. Throughout the afternoon Quinn's roommates returned. They seemed nice enough, but I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. Quinn had been off making new friends while I had been stuck dealing with that monster. I was happy for her, but at the same time I resented her life that had moved on without me.

It was late at night when they all finally called it a day and went to bed. After only a few minutes though, Quinn came back out to me. She fidgeted before I sat up and offered her a seat on the couch. She sank down stiffly.

"Reyna... I've been meaning to tell you something, but, well your mother was against it. She thought it might upset you, but I feel you have a right to know," she whispered. I frowned deeply. Of course my mother was still babying me.

"What are you talking about, Quinn?" She looked up at me, tears in her eyes.

"After Brittney Strider came and told the police that he had threatened your mother they sent police to watch over your house. Even after they stopped having an officer there 24/7 they would check up on your mother every few hours. She said they even followed her to work." The floor felt like it had opened up beneath me.

"W-what?... you mean to say-"

"Your mother wasn't in any real danger. At least not after Brittney Strider was released," Quinn reached out to take my hand, but I whipped it away and shot up from the couch.

"But he also threatened you! If he saw my mom was protected he would've just gone after you instead!" Quinn looked down in shame.

"I know. It doesn't really change anything. If he threatened me, Brittney didn't hear it or she didn't report it. So, yeah I was still in danger." I ran my fingers through my hair and wanted to rip it out.

"Dammit! I should've thought about that. If I had gotten him to threaten you in front of her too, both of you would've been protected. But I didn't even consider- Stupid!" I yelled into the late night stillness of the apartment, not caring if I woke Quinn's roommates.

"I'm so sorry Reyna, you couldn't have known! You did the best you could!" Quinn pleaded, but I turned away as I felt my eyes burn with tears.

"I-I think I need to be alone for a while," I whispered, and Quinn reluctantly left for her bedroom.

I collapsed down onto the couch and stared at the ceiling.

"Stupid, idiotic Reyna," Wheaton's voice spoke out through the darkness. He'd been quiet all day, but I guess when I was alone with nothing to distract myself he couldn't help but make an appearance. "How long would you have stayed with me? How many people would you have killed all to protect your loved ones from me, when they were safe and snug all along? They never needed your sacrifice, and they certainly don't need you now. It seems Quinn has moved on with her life. Made new friends," Wheaton's voice spoke out through the dark

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