Chapter Twenty-Six

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I shot up to my feet before I realized that reacting that way would make it obvious that I really was Reyna.

"No, my name's Amanda," I said firmly, trying to keep the tremble out of my voice. "I don't know who you are talking about." The nurse just looked around nervously.

"Look, I don't know what kind of trouble you've been in, but you're safe now. We called the police. They are on their way," she said softly, taking a step towards me. I felt my stomach clench with panic and my whole body broke out in a cold sweat. What the hell was I going to do now? We had to get out of here! I sprang into motion, sprinting past Chelsea and intending to head to Wheaton's room when all of a sudden a hospital security officer blocked my path.

"Woah there Miss. We need you to stay in your room until the police arrive," he said in a gentle yet gruff voice. I tried to push through him, but he firmly grabbed my shoulders and started steering me back towards my room.

"No, stop! Let go of me! Wheaton! Wheaton!" I shouted down the hallway in desperation. I tried to stamp on the officer's foot, but I was barefoot and he was wearing shoes so it had almost no effect. The officer gave me a light shove into my room before closing and blocking the door. I banged on it with my fists until they bruised.

"Let me out! Please! You can't just keep me in here! I swear my name is Amanda!" I screamed, but it fell on deaf ears. I started sobbing and collapsed onto my knees. It was over. Even Wheaton wouldn't be able to wiggle out of this one. We were going to prison for sure, and everyone would know what I had done.

Shouldn't I feel relieved? I was saved. Wheaton would go to jail and would never be able to hurt another innocent person again. He could never hurt me again. But this was all wrong! I didn't deserve to be saved. I was a monster! What would I do without Wheaton? I didn't know what my next move should be! I needed him!

I heard commotion outside of my room. I climbed to my feet and wiped the tears from my eyes with the back of my hand, steeling myself for what could happen. The door slid open and two police officers entered the room. They quickly locked eyes with me and they looked... sympathetic? That's right. It's probably not public knowledge that I had murdered and tortured someone. Chances are only the officers working directly with my case would know that. So, these people all thought I was just an innocent victim.

"Let me go. My name is Amanda Miller, and you can't hold me in here," I spat. The two officers shared a look.

"Well, you look an awful lot like Reyna Bristol, and the hospital staff told us about your scars and the wounds on your back. Is the man who did this to you Wheaton Miller?" the male officer on the right said. I shook my head vehemently.

"No... I... I'm not..." I mumbled before taking them both by surprise and sprinting past them. I dodged around another officer and the security guy from before and ran down the hallway. My heart sank as I saw more officers surrounding Wheaton's room, but I kept going. I just had to get to Wheaton! He would know how to fix this, right? I darted around one police officer before another grabbed me around the waist, but I managed to sneak a peek into Wheaton's room. He was glaring up at yet another officer who was in the process of reading him his rights.

"Wheaton!" I shouted, and they both whipped their heads towards me.

"Amanda! Don't worry, everything's fine. We'll get out of this," Wheaton called back as the officer holding me started to yank me back towards my room.

"Please Miss, could you just cooperate?" he said, panting as he released me in my room. I stumbled inside and shot daggers at him.

"You've got the wrong people! You have no right to arrest him!" I yelled. The officer that talked to me before stepped up to me.

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