Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Lunch was brought to me, and although I was starving I only managed to eat a few bites before the food turned to sand against my tongue. I shoved the nibbled on food away with a sigh. When Chelsea came to change my bandages again she looked at the tray.

"You didn't eat much," she commented.
"I'm not really hungry," I muttered. When she was finished I turned my back to her and curled up on my side.

"You should really try to eat more. You're dangerously thin," she said, gathering up the old bandages. "I saw your mother. You look a lot alike." I grunted, too exhausted to try to lie. "She really wants to see you."

"Well, bully for her, but I don't care," I spit out.

"Look, I know it's not really my place, but no matter what happened to you or what you felt you've done, your mother still loves you deeply. She doesn't care about anything other than that her daughter is safe now," Chelsea spoke softly.

"You're right," I snapped. "It's not your place to say that."

"Reyna-" she started to say.

"Shut up and leave me alone!" I bolted upright and shouted. I winced as the sudden movement had hurt my back where the healing skin was stretched painfully. "You have no idea what you're talking about," I whispered. Chelsea was wrong. I was a monster not even a mother could love.

"I've done things... you wouldn't understand how horrible they were," I croaked as my anger melted into sorrow. Chelsea bent down next to me.

"I heard some of what the police have been talking about. I know that you were forced to do things so that your mother and friend wouldn't be harmed. But don't you see?" she said, taking my hand in hers. "You did those things because of how deeply you love them. You were manipulated, and everyone understands that you are innocent. No one is going to fault you for something you did out of love."

"I'm not even sure I know what love is anymore," I cried, tears streaming down my face. Wheaton had told me that everything he did was out of love. He hurt me so much. He desired me so much. Was that what love is?

"If you want to know what love is, all you have to do is look at your mother's face. I promise, she loves you more than anything in this world. She would've done anything to get you back, and now that you're safe, all she wants is to hug you and tell you everything will be alright," Chelsea said. "You sacrificed so much because you love your mother and wanted to keep her safe. Love means putting someone before yourself. It means selflessness." Wheaton never put me first. He only took from me. He didn't care one iota about what I wanted or needed. He only ever cared about what I could do for him. Even when he gave me pleasure, it only served to exploit me further.

What do I do now? If I admit to what I did, would my mother still love me? Did that even matter? In this moment, there was only one thing that I truly desired. Screw anything else.

"I... I want... my mom!" I sobbed, fat tears rolling down my cheeks. Chelsea smiled up at me.

"I'll go get her. You just stay right here," she said, patting my hand before leaving. I was so anxious I wanted to throw up again, but I was also so relieved. It felt like a ten ton weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Fuck Wheaton and his fake, selfish love. Even if this led to me going to prison. Even if my mother ended up rejecting me. I wanted to see her. I needed to see her.

I barely registered the door sliding open before my mother raced over to me and wrapped me in the biggest embrace.

"Reyna! Oh Reyna!" she sobbed. I threw my arms around my mother and squeezed her close so as to almost make up for the year of space between us.

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